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  • Rizekk Mod App| Kitpvp

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by GeekyExotic, Oct 31, 2015.


    Am I a good mod?

    1. Hell Yeah!

      2 vote(s)
    2. Eh

      0 vote(s)
    3. Nope.

      1 vote(s)
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    1. GeekyExotic

      GeekyExotic Muted

      Sep 23, 2015
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      Hello my name is Rizekk. I'm from Pennsylvania . My real name is Ardonit. I know many of you guys know me from my past experience as mod. I like how this server . Many of you see me mostly on Kitpvp since it's like a home to me. Let's see how this app turns out again.

      Basic Facts
      How old are you ?
      I am currently 11 years old now.

      Your in-game name ?
      My in-game name is Rizekk. I have also been known as GeekyExotic and CopyRightZSJr
      What country do you live in ?
      I live in the country of the United States of America.

      What timezone are you in ?
      My timezone is (UTC-8:00)

      (Extra Info) I am the children of 3 and the youngest. I was born in Pennsylvania . I am almost in middle school. I am a Justin Bieber fan which is awesome :> .

      Why should I be Moderator ?
      I have responsibility in doing jobs or items that needs to be done. Being responsible is a very huge thing to maintain. Being responsible is something that people count on you for doing it for them or you. Even though I made mistakes in the past which is good. Why ? Once I make my mistakes it makes me more better in those errors that I need with. I am very responsible in having chores done or not. Once someone tells me to help them with stuff,I feel grateful in helping the person in doing my task for them.
      I am very honest with people in ways. Being honest can be hurtful as well. Some people can go to far in
      being honest I am very honest with people in ways..Taking it to far can cause people to feel all bad and sad.Even though I am honest I don't like taking it to far. I like being direct to people if the person takes it to far in many ways. I like saying the truth instead of causing more lies that can cause more problems.with one another..Taking it to far can cause people to feel all bad and sad.Even though I am honest I don't like taking it to far I like saying the truth instead of causing more lies that can cause more problems.

      I am very friendly with people that I play with.Being friendly is very nice and a positive feeling for me. I like being friendly with others especially if the person is new. When I play infection I always see new people coming in. I like greeting them nicely since their new to this place. I always say Welcome and they feel comfortable.
      I like being equal to others.I don't care what the race of the person is.I like treating everyone the same no matter what.No matter what religion or language the person speaks I like treating them the same. I respect the person no matter what they are or who they are. Being equal to a person is very good which makes the person feel right in this community .Also in game no matter what rank people have as well.I like treating every single person like if they were all the same no matter what.
      I am very mature within myself and other people. Just because I'm 11 it doesn't mean I'm not mature. Some people can be mature no matter how young they are or old in their own possible ways. Sometimes people try or act mature but they aren't .I'm a person that doesn't fake in being mature.Since I'm already 11 it shows I'm older now.
      I like having ideas on many ways.My brain is full of ideas to make the server a better place.My mind is always thinking of what to add or not. Thinking of ideas s very good that you know it's going to be a great idea that will be achieving.
      I like being loyal.All of this adds up to request. When someone request me to do something it makes me feel special. I do the request as long it has to do nothing bad that will mess me up. I wont betray someone that was nice to me.If I do something that they don't like its because there's a reason why I'm doing this actions.
      I am experienced in being a mod here. I have been a previously mod here for almost a month until I got hacked. I am very familiar with the rules and the system in how it works here. I am familiar in doing the right thing or not as my experience in being a mod.
      Do i know some commands:Well yes i do
      Some commands are /ban,/mute,/kick,/tempban/tempmute. etc
      Even though that a mod has these commands it doesn't mean that they can do it to everyone its just that it is making the server a more and improve community.
      Yes I have Bandicam to record hackers. I know that once your mod you need to have a recording system to ban hackers because not all the time you are only banning players from reports but, from yourself as well.
      I am active on forums all the time. Looking around seeing what is new or any consequences going on this community. This helps me know people more better than usual. I know when your mod you need to be active on forums which I am.

      I cant say from what time to what but i can say how many hours i play.
      From Monday to Friday : 2 to 3hours (3pm to 6pm)
      From Saturday from Sunday :2to 3hours ( Depends in case any type of emergency come out.)
      I know that a mod had to be mostly on daily but the reason is that i have school but i can still have time to help out and be on.

      Experienced as Mod ?
      I have been experienced here. I was clearly a mod and familiar in how the system works.
      Servers to Moderate ?
      I wish to moderate infection and Kitpvp. When I go on infection/Kitpvp I always see hackers and mods and I wish to help put due to timezones so mods can be on at different moments. I am being more active on Kitpvp than OPPvp which is making me be more interested in Kitpvp more. have decided to put three servers. Infection is a server I would moderate for sure. KitPvP or OpPvP is my second choice. Whatever seems more help in that server I would gladly moderate it.
    2. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      Good job on the improvment!
    3. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Thread locked for failure to adhereing to forum rules.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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