Banned for... wait... There are 12 total swords in your sig, and 14 total arms. 12 take 14 equals 2. You are wolf64, There are 64 items per stack which means you have 1 stack of wolves, 1 stack of wolves plus 2 arms equals 3 diamonds. @Diamonds180 also has 3 diamonds, which means he has 177 left over diamonds to give away. Cats are fluffy, so he gives his 177 diamonds to the cookie monster. He now has 3 diamonds again. Triangles have 3 sides, illuminati has triangles. So; Wolf64 = illuminati confirmed.
Banned for incorrect math in your entire illuminati speech. "12-14=2" The real mathematic term would be X-y=z. X being 14, Y being 12 and Z being 2. The other way around would end up with Z being negative. (-2) Also, the sum is not possible unless you were either: 1. Intending to get a negative number 2. Trying to be wrong You're welcome.
Banned for banning for proving the lion's king wrong for banning thinking ur the only one that can have a l in there name for banning for have the letter l in your name. He is the only one who can have that!! For banning for banning him for banning for correction.