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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by IVGalaxyGirlIV, Oct 27, 2015.


    What do you think of my new aplication ?

    Poll closed Oct 30, 2015.
    1. Great !

      0 vote(s)
    2. ok

      0 vote(s)
    3. getting there

      1 vote(s)
    4. needs a bit of improving

      12 vote(s)
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    1. IVGalaxyGirlIV

      IVGalaxyGirlIV Active Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      My Mod aplication - Re made

      How Old Am i :
      Im Anonymous
      My Game Name :
      Was-(Miss_Chatterbox1) Now-(IVGalaxyGirlIV)
      TimeZone :
      What Country Do I Live In :
      This info is Anonymous

      What Languages do i speak :
      Greek/English and learning French

      Why should i become a Mod :
      Well i have seen loads of people leave the server because of hackers cheating and being rude. Do you really think this is acceptable ? And i know this server used to be the best , because its been said every where so i think it deserves another boost to truly show what its made off i belive it does. Im good on keeping notise on everything happenes im very good at keeping on track (10% not 90% yes). I would love to help the server and donate to it and help building or solve problems and stop the hackers and i look at both sides of the story before telling someone off, it wont be fair if i take sides so i make it fair. I know i could do this because i have donated and made loads of other servers happy before and im sure if i just help a bit on this one it will be the best server ever known to the mojang trust me you have my vote on this server if i was you.

      What i will/not do as Moderator :
      -Try keep the chat clean of spammers and people who are rude.
      -Only ban users who break the Code Of Conduct (Mineverse).
      -Come up with new helpful ideas on how to improve the server and help the server.
      -Will report any bad/un-usual activity on the server if needed.
      -Will surport the people who are struggling.
      -Keep people to the Code Of Conduct (Mineverse).

      -Abuse my powers as Moderator.
      -Making threats to following users that play.
      -Not break the Code Of Conduct (Mineverse) Myself.
      -Be rude to players.
      -Break any of the rules of the server.
      -Defently never use hacks.
      -Ban people for no reason.

      How much time can i give to the server everyday :
      Well i have highschool and considering im in the higher years i can go home really early so anytime after 4pm im active for Mineverse, Or if my highschool is shut for the day i tend to be on Mineverse making sure everything is ok. On the weekends i can give anytime that is requested or that im free on.

      How long have i been playing Mineverse :
      I joined about 3 or 4 weeks ago.
      I know this seems very stupid off me to sign up for staff but i know i can do it, considering ive worked for 3 servers and all of them agree my progress is great sadly they got shut down for lack of attention because not much was put in them from the owners, Ive donated like 30 or 50 pounds to each of thoes servers because i wanted to help. I have seen loads of people on this server leave so i would love to play longer and help out.

      Have i ever been banned from Mineverse (Forums or Game) :
      Well i haven't been banned or muted from any forums or the game. As i have no reason to grief/Spam,
      Ive never been banned from any other server because personally i dont like to grief, abuse, or spam and as far as im in notice i have no idea or reason to break the code of Mineverse or any other server.

      Do i have any passed experience as Moderator :
      I defently have experience because i have worked through 3 servers so far i would name them but i cant, so in my passed servers i have been these following ranks on servers :
      -Head Mod,
      Thoses servers where very impressed by my work and action, every server ive got great results and my knowlege of the Moderators commands are great. Considering i have been a Admin on a server i know whats expected from a mod and what they need to do as there role on the server.

      Most played gamemode's :
      I have played these followng games bellow :
      I mainly play creative because i love to show everyone my ideas and my buildings its a way for me to show people what i can do its just really fun and a way for me to meet new people.

      Information about me (personal statement)

      Year 9

      I help my highschool set up for any up-comming events im helpful around here and there i even stay at the school late at night if i had to i love to take part and knowing i was the one who helped out in that event i guess it makes me proud and im sure if my perents was with me now :/ they would be proud of me too.

      Im a huge fan of sports, as for me it contains Teamwork, keeping fit, comunication as i love to meet new people i dont tend to juge who they are, what they do, or what they look like because it wouldnt be fair if someone said ''were not allowed to be friends because you dont look like me'' im open to new ways and methods to taking part in what ever situation.

      Im very good at Time Management keeping up with new things, if im needed im sure i can make room just so i can attend or help out anywere. I have a like a timetable and if needed i can apply new up-comming events to it or any needed things to in to keep my up on track.

      I have a very creative mind that can expand on any idea, also im a very good builder if it involes team work then im all for it because i think its important to learn other peoples methods and ways

      Knowledge off minecraft servers :

      Well as ive been Admin i think i know pretty much loads of commands, i think to me this has been a boots up as i will hopfully need to remember them like some on these :
      /weather set
      /gm (1,2,3)
      Also i know what the community expects from its Moderator : loyalty, kindness, truth, listener, respectful.

      Have i ever applied for mod before :

      I have applied for Mod 3 times on my servers and i recived it, the owners and admins watched over me and my progress i have been put up to Admin the once and Head-Mod and i feel like now thoses servers are gone i could try for this one as its the closest i was drawn to.

      The reason i have applied for Mineverse staff is that i have been playing for a while and i have seen many hackers and people leaving so i thought i could help stop the hackers and catch them out, and instead of loosing players i thought i could help draw them in.

      How did i find Mineverse :

      My friends from real life plays it so i began to because there comments off if were the best,
      they knew i had no where to work on minecraft so they told me about this server they said ''there always open to new people for staff so we thought u can join'' i gave the server ago and i saw i was going to love it so i stayed they shew me the website page and how i can meet new people, i really love this server to me its 100% great and i truly hope i could work on it.

      I hope you liked my aplication to being a Mod please comment below if you liked it or no surport its totally up to you guys, i dont mind what every you thought of it its ok with me, i know you all will have loads of differernt comments and like because were all diffrent were all special in a way.

      Thank you,
      for spending your time to read my report for you to vote i wish you would put if you surport or dont surport in the comments bellow thank you once again for reading it really means the world to me and if i some how get staff i would like to thank you all that surported me if i dont well then thanks anyway enjoy the rest of your day or night i wish you all the best.

      Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    2. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      Said they were 13 in last app, now in just 2 days she has gained another 2 and half years.
      This player is also an attention -edit-.
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2015
    3. IVGalaxyGirlIV

      IVGalaxyGirlIV Active Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Please ChloyyBear i dont want you to comment on my things no more.
    4. IVGalaxyGirlIV

      IVGalaxyGirlIV Active Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      no repli ! end of
    5. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Support not surport.

      No support.
    6. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Now to just add immature. This will not help you in anyway ;)
    7. IVGalaxyGirlIV

      IVGalaxyGirlIV Active Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Lord Duck ok :) :/ :(
    8. IVGalaxyGirlIV

      IVGalaxyGirlIV Active Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      ChloyyBear i wasnt gonna give you my true info :) until i knew who the hell you are sorry letme edit !
    9. TechElement.

      TechElement. Active Member

      Mar 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
      youre gramar iz relly wroong nd u ned 2 improfe its fasts tanks!
    10. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Lol, lying on an application isn't recommended and will only lower your chances!
    11. TechElement.

      TechElement. Active Member

      Mar 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
      lying on the app tho :/
    12. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I suggest changing the title to a more sutible one.
    13. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      If you would want to be mod I think you should be very open. So these "I wasn't gonna give you my true info" can't exist in your mod app.
    14. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
      Likes Received:
      • Didn't you posted yesterday that you were quiting MineVerse?
      • You have 3 weeks on the server and want to be a mod?
      • If you were an admin on one server. How could you not know if the server is up or down? xD
      • being a mod is not about banning people.
      No support.
      Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    15. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      If you want any chance at becoming a mod, I'd suggest actually filling out all the information.
    16. xFaK10

      xFaK10 Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      Nice title!
    17. TADS

      TADS Guest

      ok then...
    18. KyukiMoriko

      KyukiMoriko Active Member

      Sep 9, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
    19. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    20. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      This is a pretty good improvement on your last mod app. Neutral. GL
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