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  • MPBT_Hax Moderator Application [Creative/Skywars]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by MPBT_Hax, Oct 17, 2015.

    1. MPBT_Hax

      MPBT_Hax Active Member

      Oct 17, 2015
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      How old are you? 14.

      Your in-game name: MPBT_Hax (Will change it back to my old name HawkGod on November 6th)

      What timezone are you in? EST.

      What country do you live in? East Coast USA.

      What languages do you speak? English and 4 years of Spanish class (I can understand what someone is saying, but cant speak it much)

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I want to be a Mod so I can keep

      Everyone happy and maintain a clean chat environment! I will mainly be on the creative and skywars servers! I love to make people happy. I don’t want to be a Moderator that is just there to do his job, though that is my job, I don’t want to have a relationship of you JUST respect me. I don’t want you to think I am ONLY there to Moderate. I want to have a friendly relationship with the community! I want to protect peoples builds, and there pvp abilities. What do I mean about PVP abilities? I use a scale when punishing hackers Chances of hacking must be over 95% in order for me to take action. Basically if I am in a game. I think someone is hacking but can’t get exact proof I don’t ban. I rather be safe than sorry. I have been in the situation of being falsely ban before. It is not fun and just makes you feel really bad. I don’t want the same feeling coming to the players of this network. My goal is to keep everyone happy! I am also a builder! I love to build. I have several lobby/maps on HUGE servers (18k-35k players). If someone says, “I am bored” in creative I will try to give them an idea of what to build! I want to bring back creative in minecraft servers. I am not aware of the guidelines for griefs. I don’t know if you perm ban for any grief ect. If Mods make their own choices for grief’s I have my own scale. 20+ blocks=1 Day temp ban, 100+blocks=3 day tempban, 200+blocks=5 day tempban 400+ blocks=10 day temp ban. (From this point it just goes up by 5’s every 100 blocks griefed.) Anywhere over 2k blocks is a PERM ban. I know the general punishments for breaking server wide rules. I have read over the rules page multiable times: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/official-mineverse-rules.57964/. I know how to be a good Moderator, and have done it in the past. I see a lot of spamming on creative, and want to put an end to their actions. I want people to be on my good side, but I am not afraid to give people my bad side. Sometimes you just get so mad when you die you just want to ban and mute them. That is a mistake for new moderators and they get demoted for that. You have to keep your cool, and follow the guidelines! Being a Moderator is a very, very hard job. For those who have never been a Moderator before will be surprised by the jobs they must start doing. It can take some time to get used to, but I am up for the task.
      For creative I know all plot commands (or most).

      /p claim

      /p auto

      /p add

      /p remove or deny

      /p comment

      /p comments

      /p biome

      (Thoose are the ones used by almost everyone on there plots)
      I know over 30 world edit commands, to help those on the creative server who don't know how to use it!

      My Traits

      I a active on the server everyday. Is someone asks a question in chat I will respond to my best ability. I like talking with people getting there side of the story!

      Dealing with "Hackers".
      If one person out of the blue says "OMG YOU HAXER!!". It won't mean too much to me. Of over one person hackustates I will have a intense investigation on the player.
      (I don't call the hackers I call them Cheaters). If I see a hacker. I would start recording in the recording include me typing my punishment and good evidence of hacking and save it.

      If I see a grief. I will do /p I to see of the owner is online to see the grief. I don't know if we get any way to inspect a who placed the block if there is I will use the inspector and make sure it is one person. If I am convinced enough it is a grief I will ban, however I must be careful sometimes plot owners ask someone to help destroy something and don't finish. I would never ban the owner of a plot of it looks like a grief.

      Navigating chat:
      There is about 100 people in chat. If you add social spy more like 200 people. Believe it or not it is hard. You have to look for those one word messages of swearing ect. It can get overwhelming and just a reminder to those that are applying for creative you prob CAN NOT build when moderating. Moderating takes up about 90% of your attention.

      I am a very blunt person. If a build that someone asked me to judge I won't say it sucks. I would say, "It lacks aesthetics severely, I recommend you improve in ___". Lying gets you no where in life, honesty does. Remember that.

      I am responsible for all the punishment commands I use. I will be held accountable for wrong muting or warning ect. I am responsible with my rank. I don't use /God for no reason. If I loose in a fight well... Either I can get killed like all the rest of the player in that game or go into god mode for no reason and get demoted. Those are my options, and clearly I pick the first one.

      As a Moderator of Edawg878 we had access to a staff section. I can't say a lot about it, but there are things there that we can't speak about.

      Punishing donors vs. Non donors.
      I don't care if your a donor or not. You break a rule you get punished accordingly. That's it rules are rules. If you were exempt from a rule t would say under the "perks" of your donation rank.

      Nice and open:
      If you don't break rules you are on my good side! I love talking to others and healing out, even if you break a small chat rule and apologize and don't do it again you a re still on my good side. I believe that everyone can be good. This CAN be a perfect server, but all the community has to do is just mind the rules.

      The time I fear has come. Simone broke a small rule again or a serious rule. You just met with my bad side. You will be punished for your wrongful actions and you will suffer the consequences. PERIOD.

      Commands of Moderators:

      /tempban [player] [time] [Reason] (Temp bans player)
      /ban [player] [reason] (bans player PERM)
      /god (toggled) (used to inspect potential cheaters)
      /tempmute [player] [time] [reason] (Temp mutes a player)
      /mute [player] [reason] (mutes player PERM)
      /fly (toggled) (used to inspect hackers)

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? 1-3 hours on week days, and 4-5 hours on the weekends.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been building on the creative server for a while now, and I do like to play skywars!

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game] No warns, bans, warns, mutes, or ipbans.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, I have been a Moderator for a HUGE creative server. It had over 800 players on at one time. I had resigned to come here! I can give you PROOF of me being a moderator for that server, and the name. To get that info please start a conversation with me ONLY STAFF! I was a Moderator for that server for two months. I was dealing with sometimes over 800 people in one chat. When you add 800 people in global chat+Socialspy enabled 95% of the time+pretty bad lag= Extremly hard situations when moderating chat. Sometimes it was just me moderating chat, and others I had another staff to help me. I was put through some serious situations. Someone threatened to kill themselves IRL ect. Here are my jobs I did as a Moderator

      - warn people for basic chat offenses
      - tempmute users that were promoting violence, bullying, and raceisum ect.
      - Perm mute advertisers
      - Ban and report griefers
      - Help with applications
      - Dealing with huge plot fights
      Thoose are the things that faced me every day!

      I look forword to your feedback!

      About me!:

      About Me!

      I am a 14 year old guy! I like to hang out with friends in school, and at our high school’s football games! I am class president in my school! I want to do something to change the world when I grow up! I am an architect! My dream is to go to ITT Technical Instatues! I go to one of the best school districts in the USA. My grades are B+ to straight A’s. I am taking Algebra Two TRIG in my 9th grade class! Our district has a 96.7% Graduation rate! We all take extremely advanced classes in-order for us to get into our favorite colleges! For example a normal American to be “Normal” EDU wise takes algebra 1 in 10th grade, however we take Algebra TWO in 9th grade to insure we all graduate! My GPA is a 4.3 at the moment. I am always building! After I pass away I want to be remembered for something. I want have a skyscraper build in NYC designed by me! I build cool things like skyscrapers and game maps, so I can be more creative when I actually get a job as I do in Minecraft! Only in real life! I have made over 2,000 dollars from building in mc in the past couple months!
      Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
    2. MPBT_Hax

      MPBT_Hax Active Member

      Oct 17, 2015
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      Anyone have any thoughts?
    3. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Add more detail pls
      Get active in the forums

      No support yet
    4. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I dun recommend putting in the commands u know :P learn a few of the mods command and how to move stuff like dat. Add some colours and fonts for detail but no support till u fix these things.
    5. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Getting active is also a VERY important part of Moderation so get cool around the peoples off diss kingdoom
    6. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Never seen you in-game.
      What was the forum name for your other acc? If you get mod they might guess the password again.
      Add color.
      Seperate things, think of it as applying for a real life job, you need to make it look neat.

      No support, sorry.
    7. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      sorry no support.
      - Get to know the community
      - Add more info

      Good luck! :)
    8. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      - Very informative.
      - Explains your responsibility in leadership.
      - I don't mind as much you being new, just explore the community, get to know everyone.

      So far so good.

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