I was trying to buy a clear inventory pass in the shop. the purchase went through, only to wait 1 hour for it and not have it received. So, i try to get it again, but this time, it doesn't go through. THIS IS INFURIATING. Plz help someone (hopefully a moderator). Thanks in advance - ShadowScyther11
Wait 10 minutes till you close the browser, then wait 10 minutes after that before you log back in. It should work.
@TannerLittle can you remove the wait time for creative clear inv purchases and spawn teleport please
Wait, whats your problem? Do you have bad items in your inventory, causing lag? Do you just want to clear your inventory? Whats the problem?
Try to buy it again later, if not ask a moderator to inform cypriotmerks about the problem of it not working
You're not buying a clear inventory to receive items, you're buying a clear inventory to remove all items from your inventory.