I was advertising my shop and gameboyrock1 tpa to me so he observed the area and all of a sudden he did something to my plot I saw all my heads fly around and I crashed. I try reconnecting and this crash file pops up everytime I attempt to join creative. heres the crash file. PS: I also tried purchasing teleport to spawn item but it doesnt work. their is also more to the crash file if you want everything please let me know.
Oh sorry, I will need to wait until buying the tp back to spawn/clear inventory, it has a time limit, you see.
gameboyrock1? He was around me when i crashed... Here is an excerpt from my crash report at the time. Level name: MpServer All players: 6 total; [bew['MadiTheWarrior'/330871, l='MpServer', x=-12533.40, y=108.69, z=8616.36], bex['Expwnentialqt'/100188064, l='MpServer', x=-12533.88, y=111.56, z=8619.22], bex['WisdomGirl703'/99967385, l='MpServer', x=-12531.34, y=110.97, z=8620.34], bex['CedarDragon'/105446483, l='MpServer', x=-12530.31, y=108.50, z=8621.28], bex['Ellesebump'/105999243, l='MpServer', x=-12533.44, y=109.00, z=8616.78], bex['gameboyrock1'/105230529, l='MpServer', x=-12532.14, y=108.01, z=8620.95]] The name looked suspicious, but i didn't know he was one of the hackers. Now i know it was not just my crazy computer.