Its a fact of life of playing on minecraft servers, that eventually most maps in most modes get reset. If you play online its something we all accept. Rumors suggest survival reset will be in new year to coincide with 1.9. After reset the old survival ( as last time) becomes /survival2 and normally left running for a month or two after. Then just gets switched off. Necessary yes. But BORING. Suggestion. Once reset done. Once old survival has been allowed to run for month or two. Why not go out with a bang. On the last day of /survival2 before its gone forever. Why not disable all claims. Enable tnt and let us waste the in game money we have in /survival2 at that point on blowing all our build to hell Much more satisfying for all survival players particularly regulars. It would also be an event that would draw in interest to server. Apocolypse day. Simple to do. One off. Fun.. Why not?
Who says we're upgrading to 1.9? Do you realized how much trouble that would cause? Most of the game modes still have problems from when we went 1.7.10->1.8.
im kinda glad to hear were not going to 1.9 as yet.. i recognise the issues you bring up. Auction unknowns one example of many Like i said based on " rumor", as i fully admit i like most have no idea for what is timelined. Reguardless i would still love to blow up sure many who get the reference would agree ;)
Survival isnt resetting even if we do upgrade lol. Just because there is an update out doesnt mean we will reset.
could anyone in admin circle put to bed the rumors then re: reset? ( as i stated all based on rumor, rumors which exist only in the absence of fact ) Is kinda a big deal if your into megabuilds. Not much point pushing ahead with projects on server if she gone in 2 months. Personally i would have guessed not before at least june 2016 leaving plenty time for big projects, given last reset was..may? (i believe) These things are difficult to timeline effectively and accurately (conceded), but a ball park of where admins heads are at re: survival reset timeline would be a positive re-guardless i still like the idea of apocalypse day whenever/ if it should befall us mmuhhahahaha
I logged into lobby last week and it was being discussed. It came up previously awhile back in survival as well. I know of 3 players personally who were daily regulars who have moved on to other servers believing reset is not far off. Where those initial believes came from i am really not sure. Just annoying that the idea of a reset due soon seems be putting some peeps off ,when clearly it seems a ways off. Based on what u said alex. which is great. no reset soon works for me
If it was to be updated to 1.9, it would be a minimum of 3 months till they update the server! If! Cause of A- the plugins, because some of the plugins we modified for 1.8 and B- getting all the old players aware and ready for the switch.
Well, no support for now... I hope Survival never gets resetted unless there's a big problem with it although there is now... :I I love Survival too much
I want 1.9 and I don't want it in the same way. (why I want it) SHIELDS I REALLY WANT THOSE (why I don't want it) Lots of plugins and awesome stuff like that gets left behind and that's a problem because 1.7.10 had more plugins and ideas
I still don't really like the fact that you have to wait until the sword recharge bar is up till you get the full hit... :I It kind of messes up PvP techniques and skills. Agreed on the rest of the points about the plugins.