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  • [RPG] Gamemode

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Echoed_, Oct 7, 2015.

    1. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      As a lot of you know, I love to suggest minigames. Here is actually a GAMEMODE that I came up with, like infection or creative. It is called RPG.

      RPG - Role Playing Game.

      A common RPG is D & D (Dungeons and Dragons), and I love to play it. But, what if we translate something like that to in minecraft? It would be so much fun! You could easily expand, and it would be an amazing game to play.

      Basically, at the beginning, (When you first spawn in) you get 500 gold, and you choose your class. Here are the classes --


      Each class is special, and has different powers, spells, and abilities. Mage is the long ranged, dwarf is a tank (slow but defensive), Cleric is the very weak at defense, but extremely strong, and Warrior is the all-around.

      There are many different quests you can do in this gamemode, but the main thing is that it is an Open World, with castles, fortresses, and monsters and dungeons running around. You can fight guys like the Goblin Boss, or maybe a Dragon, maybe even each other! Work together, or against each other, your idea!

      Also, in castles, forts, and villages, there are TRADERS. These traders you can trade gold for new weapons, or abilities! Everytime you kill a monster, boss, or another player, you get coins! The harder the enemy, the more gold! To make sure you know what monster is what, if you hover your mouse over the minion, a name tag pops up with what level it is, and what kind.

      Monsters -
      The basic monster is the "Minion". It is just a zombie, and is very weak, easy to kill right off the bat.
      Minion level 1 - Basic Zombie. [10 coins]
      Minion level 2 - Full Leather armor [20 coins]
      Minion level 3 - Full Leather armor, Wooden Shovel. [40 coins]

      The next monster is the "Demon". It is a bit harder, but not to hard. It is basically just a Witch.
      Demon level 1 - Armed with Harming Potions [30 coins]
      Demon level 2 - Armed with Harming and Poison Potions [50 coins]
      Demon level 3 - Armed with Harming, Poison, and Weakness potions. [60 coins]

      The ranged basic monster is "Evil Archer". Around the difficulty of Demon, it is obviously a skeleton.
      Archer level 1 - Infinity bow [40 coins]
      Archer level 2 - Infinity + Power bow [50 Coins]
      Archer level 3 - Infinity + Power 2 + Punch bow [100 coins]

      A charging basic monster, the "Goblin"! Harder than the demon, the second it spots you it charges you and it is most definitely faster than you!
      Goblin level 1 - Full Leather armor, Wooden Axe [50 coins]
      Goblin level 2 - Full leather armor, wood sword [100 coins]
      Goblin level 3 - Full GOLD armor, Stone Sword [200 coins]

      Those are the basic monsters, there are more that are special to each dungeon but I won't go through that right now.

      Bosses -
      Goblin King - High up on a mountain, sits the goblin fortress, with the Goblin King sitting on his throne! He has Archers and Minions as guards, and when you fight, he is difficult. He has a diamond sword (Disguised as a Wooden Club), can Summon Goblins, but is slower.
      [5000 Life]

      Demon King - Deep below in a dungeon lies the Demon King. Summons LEVEL 3 Demons to do his bidding, he does not attack himself. He is invulnerable while a demon that he spawned is still alive. You go through a maze of rooms full of monsters to get to him!
      [10000 life]
      Dragon - This is a fire-breathing dragon, deep within a volcano in the map! Doesn't summon minions, but good luck! It can blast you with fire, throw you backwards with a gust of fury from its wings, or can attack with claws! The ultimate boss, good luck.
      [15000 life]

      Shops -
      Shops have little tents, like in Bedwars, and you can buy Weapons, Spells, Armor, Supplies (Food), etc. from him. I won't go through specific prices, but you can buy things like Axes, Spades, Swords, Hammers (skin for a Pickaxe, but is buffed), or things to help you survive like Apples or Bread.

      Level System -
      Every time you kill a monster, you get more experience the less damage you took. You can get to a maximum level of 99, but getting there will take a lot of grinding.
      Starting at level 0, you only have basic things, but the higher level you get, the more things you unlock! For example, once you reach level 15, (Mage) You unlock Fireball!

      Classes -
      MAGE - Long ranged class, uses Wands (sticks) to cast spells. The basic spell is a healing spell, which you right click to do. You can hold up to 4 spell books at once, which contain a single spell you can use, and how to use it.
      Basic Spell - Healing spell. Heals the person targeted, or can target themselves. Clicking Combo - Right click.
      Level 15 Spell - Fireball. Launches a fireball, dealing 5 hearts on direct hits, and 1 heart on splash area damage, Radius 10.
      Level 45 Spell - Freezing Spell. Freezes the target enemy, immobilizing them for 5 seconds, and they can not attack or cast spells.
      Level 90 Spell - Armageddon. Calls down the wrath of hell, dealing 7 hearts to all enemies in a 10 block radius.
      You can also buy spells from the shop, Such as Lightning bolt (3 hearts to target - Level 5), Void (Immobilizes target for 2 seconds - Level 15), and lastly Earth's Wrath (5 hearts to target - Level 20).

      Dwarf - This class is slower than the others, but can take a lot more hits. It specializes in axes, dealing an extra half-heart whenever it attacks with an axe.
      Basic Ability - Throw. Picks up target (one block range) and throws them 15 blocks away from them, dealing 1 damage.
      Level 15 Ability - Weapon Toss. Throws weapon, 10 block radius, dealing 5 damage on impact, but you must go and pick it up before someone else!
      Level 45 Ability - Thor's Calling. This ability, the dwarf calls upon Thor to smite the target, dealing 3 hearts and slowing them for 3 seconds.
      Level 90 Ability - Metallurgy. This ability upgrades the weapon in your hand, causing it to do one extra heart in damage for 10 seconds.

      Cleric - This class is very weak in defense, yet is extremely strong.
      Basic Ability - Holy Light. Blinds enemy, and Slows them both for 3 seconds.
      Level 15 Ability - Blinding Strike. Next time you hit an enemy, they are blinded for 3 seconds, while dealing the same damage as regular.
      Level 45 Ability - Noble Strike. Deals an extra 2 damage to any monster or boss, but same damage as regular to people.
      Level 90 Ability - Gods Wrath. Calls upon Gods wrath and deals 7 hearts to target enemy, as well as slowing them for 2 seconds.

      Warrior - This is an all around class, but short ranged.
      Basic Ability - Charge. Charges foward 5 blocks, knocking back any enemies it hits, dealing 2 hearts.
      Level 15 Ability - Shield Block. The next 3 hits this person takes, deals no damage.
      Level 45 Ability - Ground Pound. This attack deals 2 hearts to all enemies in a 3 block radius.
      Level 90 Ability - Blood Lust. This attack increases the warriors speed, (Speed 2), as well as increases attack by 1 heart each hit for 5 seconds.

      Quests -
      This can be found by villagers, (NPC's) and they give you a specific task, such as defeat 3 minions or something.
      Here are some quests -
      Kill The Goblin King! - Kill the goblin king for an extra 1000 gold, and an extra 20 experience!
      Experienced Killer - Kill 50 monsters.
      Defender - Successfully defend the village from monsters for 5 minutes. (Found in certain villages)

      Extras -
      You are not allowed to change classes until you reach level 20, so be careful in which you choose!
      Each class has 20 hearts life.
      The whole idea is that you can do whatever you want in this world!
      The quests can be completed at any time, but have a 24 hour cooldown.
      The great part of this game is that you can just keep adding to it, so it never gets boring!
      I hope this gets accepted, even if it takes a while to code. It would be SUPER fun, and you can get some outside help with coding.
      Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
    2. TheNitroMatrix

      TheNitroMatrix Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Neat! Support.
    3. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Or you could just go to Desteria, lol.
    4. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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    5. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Thanks both!
      Or we can get more players on this community and add more gamemodes and minigames ;P
    6. TheNitroMatrix

      TheNitroMatrix Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Also, can you add a Secret Hitten Ultra/SuperBoss? like final fantasy?
      For example, add the demon i call Hydra (wither)
      The texture pack (if you can make one) should have a hydra with 10 heads, and its life should be 200000, hence it being a SuperBoss/UltraBoss. (Proto Babil from FFIVDS, im looking at you....)
      It should be able to summon all level 3 enemies, as well as use a homing attack that lasts for only 5 seconds, and lastly, be able to use God's Wrath.
      It should also be able to regenerate 5k of his health when he goes Overdrive mode-
      Let me explain overdrive.
      Overdrive can buff the summons, attacks, etc.
      His overdrive moves should be-
      Summoning Level 4 Monsters,
      Regenerating 5k health,
      Homing attack now lasts for 10 seconds,
      God's Wrath does more damage (8 hearts), and slows you down for 4 seconds.
      Lastly, when he dies, he should drop the ultimate equipment. (NOTE: now changed to drop after DarkSoul hydra is defeated..)
      Overdrive is activated whenever he has 25k HP or less.
      More ideas-
      You should be able to buy HP, MP, Defense, Attack, Speed, or Armor/Weapon upgrades, but they should cost a LOT
      HP- Boosts your normal HP by 50. Cost: 10000 coins
      MP- Boosts your normal MP by 50. Cost: ^
      Defense: Boosts your normal Defense by 25. Cost: 7500 coins
      Attack: Boosts your normal Attack by 25. Cost: 8000 coins.
      Speed: Boosts your normal speed by 30. Cost: 7750 coins.
      You can make the armor/weapon upgrades, and decide their cost!
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
    7. TheNitroMatrix

      TheNitroMatrix Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Oh, and as for SUMMONING the Hydra, you can get 1 wither skull and 1 soulsand per hard quest. You get the last soulsand and the nether star in the final hard quest/trial.
      Hard Quest 1- Defeat Goblin King EX! (HP: 25000) EX bosses are like Perma-Overdrive regular bosses. For example, summoning his monsters summons more, and his diamond sword is now enchanted. Rewards: 1 soulsand, 1 wither skull, 9000 xp, 12500 gold
      Hard Quest 2- Defeat Demon King EX! (HP: 40000) Okay. This is a tiny bit tougher. (Not because of the HP.) He summons more demons, sure, but now can use an attack himself- breathing poison, stunspores, etc. status effect breath... and lastly, he can heal 1k hp when he has 5k hp left (or under). Rewards: 1 soulsand, 1 wither skull, 12000 xp, 12500 gold.
      Hard Quest 3- Defeat Dragon EX! (HP: 75000).. the TOUGHEST ex boss (YET) so far.
      He should now be able to summon 2 of each Lv 3. Monster each, fire blast range go harder, and his gusts of wind should now draw you TOWARD him, and combo into a claw.
      He heals 2.5k HP when he has 3k HP left. Suprisingly, as the ultimate boss, (BEFORE the hydra) he can self destruct and make you lose 25% of your HP. (CURRENT hp, not MAXIMUM.) Reward: 1 soulsand, the last wither/hydra skull, 20000 xp, 12500 gold.
      Hard Quest 4- Defeat Lockjaw! (Yes, my favorite FNAF Fangame Character.)
      (HP: 150000). The TOUGHEST boss before the hydra. Moveset as follows:
      Jumpscare scream (lowers current speed, defense, and magic defense by half)
      Summoning 20 lv3 minions,
      able to heal 4k hp when less than 10k hp,
      able to use EVERY ABILITY in the ENTIRE GAME.
      However, as the creator of my own boss, i DID make sure he has a weakness: Fireball.
      Yes, fireball is his weakness. If hit with it, he will be stunned for 20 seconds (CANNOT STACK EFFECT!!), and will take level-based HP damage. After the stun, he can use Ultima Aura, and you cannot deal damage to him for 30 seconds. (OR after you use Blood Lust once)
      Reward: the last soulsand, the nether star, 25000 xp, 25000 gold.
      This will unlock the Superboss quest-
      Defeat Hydra.
      You will need to give the nether star to a villager to pass to the ancient hydra grounds, where you can create the wither/hydra.

      After you beat him, congratulations!
      You've beaten the game!
      Or have you?
      In the depths of hell, 5 new challengers await to destroy you....

      To be continued?
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
    8. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Interesting ideas, I will think about it, but I am not sure that the "Ultraboss" idea would work well, because that kind of signifies the end of the game, but I want it to seem like there is no end.

      NOTE: Added some "Extras"!
    9. TADS

      TADS Guest

      I do not support for now. We need to fix the current game modes first.
    10. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I agree with Tads. It's a good idea but, yeah.
    11. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      I am going neutral for this, Tads has made an extremely good statement.
    12. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Good idea, neutral for now.
    13. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Yes, I do realize that, but what if the new gamemodes distracted people from those gamemodes so they stopped complaining?
      Thanks all, I can respect your opinions.
    14. TADS

      TADS Guest

      For the record, I like the idea. But it's like gta, and archer pvp. So many people first played it, and then after a month, glitches were found.

      There will always be those few complaining about game modes not being fixed.
    15. l0wkey

      l0wkey Well-Known Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      Neutral. Like Tad said sooo many glitchs on other gamemodes. Well I must say I do have a rpg map.. We could use it here I mean its pretty badass.. I am working on the villae, moutains, and interior and I will be done. I have a rpg server with lots of things like this and custom plugins. I could really help out on this tbh. Like I said, neutral.
    16. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Okay, I respect both of your opinions, thanks for the reply :)
    17. TheNitroMatrix

      TheNitroMatrix Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Okay i have decided to make the idea of ULTRABOSSES (read my 2nd post for details.)
      As i mentioned in the 3rd post,
      '5 new challengers wait for you...'
      This means you are allowed to unlock the Dark Soul version of them.
      Let me explain Dark Soul.
      Dark Soul gives anybody or thing the power BEYOND overdrive.
      And 5?

      Do we all know what this means?

      Dark Soul Hydra. Yes.

      Let me explain the darksoul bosses.
      Dark Soul Goblin King.
      Oh and let me say: there will be NO DARK SOUL AND EX BOSS AT THE SAME TIME. ONLY 2 VERSIONS OF SAID BOSS. (capslockcapslockcapslock)
      DarkSoul goblin king. HP: 250000
      You will need to grind your boosts for this crud head, he is much more hard.
      Can now summon LEVEL 4 GOBLINS/MINIONS at any time.
      Lv4 goblin: Full Diamond armor, iron sword, 500 coins
      Lv4 Minion: Full Iron armor, diamond sword, 750 coins
      Archers are now level 4 too.
      Lv4 archer: Full Iron armor, power 5 infinity 1 flame 1 punch 2 bow.
      His wooden club now is no longer enchanted with crap (which would be sharpness 2, i forgot to mention), he now has SHARPNESS 4 AND FIRE 2.
      Lastly, he does not heal.
      Now, Dark Soul Demon King. HP: 350000
      Changes: MUCH MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!! Status breath now gives 3 status effects instead of 2.
      more demons, still level 3, but can now also summon lv 4 monsters at any time!
      Can now actually breathe ice to stun you for 5 seconds.
      the maze is now MUCH LONGER!! but there is no maze in the EX fight.
      can not heal anymore, but suck health from you at random.
      Dark Soul Dragon. HP: 500000.
      500k. Oh. my. god. You better grind.
      Changes: Breath of fire and fire blast, more radius, more damage, gust of claws can now STUN YOU or whatever.
      but HE STILL HEALS- he heals 25k when he has 50k or less!!
      Bad bad bad. Dragons went from crap to EXTREME.
      DarkSoul/EX Lockjaw.
      Remember how i said EX AND darksoul do not count? since lockjaw wasnt an EX boss at first... he SKIPS the EX state and goes to darksoul. Call him EX if you want to.
      HP: 750000
      Even worse than the dragon.
      Fireball is now does more damage, but stuns for 10 seconds. Ultima Aura uses 1 minute.
      Jumpscare scream also lowers attack and magic attack.
      Summoning is still the same, level 4 everything, no level 4 demon.
      Uses blood lust and god's wrath now, not just every ability. Holy crud.
      Now, are you ready for the TRUE final boss?


      Yes.... Dark soul hydra.
      HP: 10 million.
      By far, the TRUE final boss.

      Upgrades: Summons level 4 everything but obviously no lv 4 demon.
      Homing attk now uses 15 seconds, goes faster, Now, here is the most annoying part.
      he has permanent overdrive.
      Lastly, he can do a 10-hit combo which does 10 hearts. Go eat an enchanted golden apple before you fight this son of a gun!
      He can now also heal 500k HP at a time when under 1 million. does it at random.
      when you're done, you unlock the ultimate/true equipment, and TRULY beat the game.
      NOTE: You can re-do the darksoul bosses if you want. It's like the pokemon league from the actual pokemon video games! ;)
      Thank you.
    18. treelegs

      treelegs Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      Hella thought into this. I support it.
    19. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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    20. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Moved to the correct location. :)

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