How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: xKratos245x What timezone are you in? Central Timezone What country do you live in? Canada What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a mod? I think i should become a mod because I can help better the Mineverse community by helping people out in the game on the factions server. I have also had many encounters with rude players who should be banned for a few days or so. If not a moderator I want to be able to design /spawn in the factions server and help with warp shop as I have been on many other servers and have seen many different idea and castles. How long can you be active on the server everyday? After School hours and after homework so 4- 9pm How long have you been playing Mineverse? About a month Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No I have not. :/
Ok, Add More Detail, No. Make A New Application And Add Coulors Boldness Make It Beautiful ;D, Good App Btw Support, But Still Make Another oNe ¬Puma ;)