The survival shop prices are not good in my opinion. Gold is cheaper than iron (Gold $40 Iron $55) but Gold is more rarer than Iron The Redstone prices are $125 per 16 to sell but the glowstone dust prices are cheaper to sell and Glowstone dust/ glowstone is more rare than Redstone You get more money selling Iron by itself than selling it as blocks $495 for 9 iron ingots but 1 iron block is $375 or $395
But the Nether is all out of glowstone dust in survival. Not alot of people have glowstone dust , the only way i get it is by the shop
That's not exactly true. Perhaps you haven't travelled far enough in the Nether to find an abundance of glowstone. Support about the iron and gold issue.
I think allmost all the prices are wrong. People in charge of the server shop in survival must do a quick study on what items are harder to obtain. And you need to get the selling prices lower and buying prices higher, you need to remember that players has shops.
I think iron is more expensive than gold because it is a stronger material when you are crafting tools and armour. I believe the order from weakest to strongest is; Leather Gold Chain Iron Diamond