Hey! Rocman here! This game is an idea I stole from another server. The idea is to find out which staff member can be the last one with points. Both staff members and players can play. Each member starts off with 10 points. When you Hurt, Take off 2 points. To Heal, give the person 1 point. You can choose whether to give a reason or not to I'll start Owner: Noobcrew - 6 Co-Owner: CypriotMerks - 8 Developer: TannerLittle - 6 Head-Mod: fryzigg - 10 bananaman11223 - 9 Global Moderators: 12323emily - 11 AgentWifi - 10 canucksfan44 - 10 CobaltPlays (CobaltPvP) - 10 Alex - (Demoralized) - 11 Krissy_ - (Krissy_x) - 10 larrythebird101 - 10 MaxNinja10 - 10 Nightfire - (Nightfire88539) - 8 NoobCupCake - 11 Pile_Of_Butts - 10 Scorvix - 10 tin15cro - 11 xSoulHero - 10 Van - (xxxvan) - 10 ZeldaNinja - 8 Builders: Ninjam - (Javiasor) - 6 Rythen - 13 Imperial_Mint - 11 Dewster - 11 Dead: Diggy Lola Perez Enjoy!
Nobody has hurt Pile, so how does she only have 11 points? I counted at least 4 people saying "Heal Pile."