Hey Guys!! Today I Am Bringing U Another Creative UpDate Idea. If you know me well you should know i really enjoy building maps for SkyWars, Infection and Lobbies. I just wanted to tell you guys that after working on the WorldEdit plugin you guys (staff) deleted some stuff. On normal WorldEdit u can //set or //replace as much as u want, on Mineverse only up to 400. Which is a pain in the neck if u need to replace the whole of the ground like into another block. Also we cannot do //copy and //paste we i do not know why but is also a pain.
Most of the world edit commands are broken. We don't have permission to do //flip //copy //paste //rotate We don't have a bunch of commands. It used to be 800 blocks for world edit change, but they changed it to 400 to reduce lag.
want to have access to //copy, //paste and //flip? to build maps? 1. Download spigot Spoiler http://getspigot.org 2. Download Worledit Spoiler http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/ there you go. a free server where you can use all the worledit commands you want
But it's not MineVerse. We need this on MineVerse creative. I could easily go download the W/E mod but i want it HERE. We had all this stuff heck knows why it was removed.
and when I voted for my alt, I didn't get worldedit. Actually, I couldn't use ANY commands with that account anymore :(
U only get 1 vote a day. Also the only commands of world edit still here is //set //replace //smooth and //sphere