Hi Staff, I purchased the Mineverse donation rank 'Titan' for the price of $250 after saving up some of my allowance. I was very excited to receive this outstanding rank, and enjoy donating to this lovely server. It took a few hours to realize something had gone wrong, because I hadn't received this rank. I got very worried, because my father would get mad at me if he realized I'd just wasted $250. When I told him, he was very upset. If you're wondering, the money I spent was taken out of my father's PayPal account. I will not share any information about PayPal or credit info. He told me to file a report on this glitch, and so I am. I very hopefully plead you can fix this glitch. I'd give a screenshot, but my screenshot settings have been broken since I paid for my new computer. I hope this is good enough, I will get in a lot of trouble if I can't get something out of paying $250. My ign is griggsf and I very much hope you can help me out, especially since I love your server so much. Appreciate you reading this. Sincerely, Griggsf
Well then you're going to have to email support@mineverse.com and wait it out (idk if thats the correct email but i think it is)