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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FakeASmile, Sep 24, 2015.

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    1. FakeASmile

      FakeASmile Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Well, I was just thinking about the time that I've spent here on Mineverse, a lot of it was mostly negative, but I still feel like the community helped me a lot, and that I helped, or, used to help others a little bit. This thread's basically just to appreciate people that I've considered nice people on MV, also before I get the complaints that I should do this in PM, I have no clue what some of the people's users are currently and that I'd rather just be able to add people easier. (Not everyone on here will know and/or want to know that they helped me/were nice to me, but thanks.)

      @Mineterria - Yeah, I mean we didn't know each other that well personally and I haven't gotten around to talking to you in a while, but I really am in thanks that you were pretty much the first person on Mineverse to believe that I would've been a good person here and that I'd have made a good staff member, though I'll admit that doesn't mean much to me anymore(The staff part), but thank you for helping me out and being nice to me when pretty much everyone else wasn't- though in hindsight I really didn't deserve it, so thanks, and sorry.

      @PopIs_MyLife - I remember us being really good friends, though I turned into a bit of a jerk and we've stopped talking, I admit you probably won't ever see this, but I'm glad we got to talk about the things we did and that I got to be friends with you while we were, always loved getting to talk to you when our timezones allowed it :p. You're a really great person, even if you always were a little weird, I wouldn't have wanted our friendship or you any other way.

      @Grays0n - I know you usually hate this type of thing, but you're still and you always have been a great friend of mine, half of the time we don't agree on anything but that never really stops us from talking or getting over it in 5 minutes :) I also know that you pretty much hate online things, but you're a friend of mine and, had I known you irl I would've loved to be your friend irl, nothing different about it, I'll always consider you a friend, hope you do the same.

      @Ares_Xena - We've only recently begun "talking" though we've known each other a while, you might not come on the forums much now but I appreciate you being there for me when I needed it, surprised somebody who's known me would still be nice to me, but you were, and I thank you so much for giving me a chance to know you and be your friend, hope that it doesn't end with my ban.

      @Pile_of_Butts - Kind of ironic that I'd be talking about how you helped me a day after making a thread about how I dislike you, however nonetheless you did help me, and though I can't say we've ever been friends or really talked much, you've always 'looked out' for me, in a sort of way. Thanks for everything, and I'm a bit sorry for how I act sometimes, but I know you don't take it to heart.

      @Feurin - One of my oldest friends on MV, we applied for Prison Guard together, you always tried 'competing' with me(I still don't know why :P), you know, thinking back we never really talked all that much outside of ig, but we got to know each other and I'm thankful we got to be friends and to talk, I hope that you're still doing well because you've been a great friend over the years.

      @Krissy_Punk - We were friends for a while and I believe I got to know you really well, I'm really sorry for the things I did even though I fully knew what I was doing, you've always been a great friend and been there for me over the time that we talked and knew each other, thank you so much, and I really don't know what else to say other than that I really hope you're doing well.

      @kitkat6605910 One of the people I should honestly thank in person :), but since I can't, you're an amazing person and friend, I hope you consider me that, through the years I've always seen you be there for others and myself, you can always count on me, and I hope that you're doing extremely well, because you deserve the best.

      Now, most of you probably think I'm a jerk now, probably always was, but at some point, you and a lot of others have helped me, this has nothing to do with in-game, because I don't care about the game, I care about the experiences I got to have with friends, the amazing ones, and when people, friends, were there for me in the bad experiences. I sincerely hope everyone reading this, especially the people mentioned, have an amazing life and are doing well and continue to, you've really helped me more than you could imagine, even if you never even noticed, you did and I appreciate everyone who did so much.

    2. FakeASmile

      FakeASmile Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      who is it that I'm sucking up to....?
    3. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      He isn't leaving..
    4. FakeASmile

      FakeASmile Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Congrats on forum mod, well gl banning me <3. Now please get off this thread.
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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    6. Krissy

      Krissy Boss Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      So... It's you
    7. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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