Pfft I have nowhere else to post this. Gods Don't Die "What do you want from me?!" Swift yelled into the darkness, fighting in terror against the masked murderer pinning him to the ground. He didn't know who it was- no one did. Perhaps that's what it was- fear of the unknown. The killer growled, drawing a sword from his back. It appeared to be tipped with what seemed to be gloriella- a drug widely used to temporarily paralyze a victim. "Your life," He growled. Swift widened his eyes in terror, shaking his head, feebly trying to find a way- any way- to escape the dark fate. He cried out in pain as the sword made contact with his throat, cut off my the gurgling of blood he coughed up. He lashed out as best he could, managing to grasp and pull off the killer's mask. It was Deoxys. "Why?" He managed to get out, between coughing and spluttering. He knew Deoxys hated him with a passion, but he never had him down as a killer. "Because gods don't die." He replied coldly, and thrusted the sword again. Swift drew his last breath, and allowed the silence and darkness to engulf him.
Aweh, thanks <3 Sorta. Deoxys was a manager of Swift's server but he got hacked and the hacker abused his power. Swift THOUGHT he'd killed him.