We all know that bow-glitching is kickable/bannable. (I will state how to do it, as an example, and if you want to, you can do the glitch if you wish to be punished) We all know the 2x2 inventory glitch to get bows if we are starter zombies. However, does hiding bows and arrows in a chest/furnace for a round count as bow glitching as well? And based on that, if you can't use a furnace or trapped chests, is swapping kits illegal?
I remember this used to be against the rules, a lot of people got punished for it so I believe it's punishable and would count as exploiting a glitch, after all, the game purposely stops you from trading your kit, so I don't imagine it would be welcomed.
All they have to do is remove trapped chests, and disable furnaces. Simple. Then they have to make it so you can't use the inventory. I know you can, due to the fact other servers have it.
I believe it already a rule, or part of a rule. You're pretty much getting items you would otherwise have no access to.