Hey all, lately since Mineverse has been fixed there has been a lot of new members (yay!). But new members are posting moderator applications. Many people simply reply: You just joined today, be more active. So I'm suggesting that there should be a new rule for making moderator applications. NEW RULE- you must be a member for 10 days or more. This will prevent many applications from being ignored/ just told to be more active. Any other suggestions? Reply below! Thanks!
Well, 10 days would stop the spam and someone who really was interested in mod would wait, the others wouldn't wait.
In reality anyone that posts for a moderator application and hasn't been around for a year or more will most likely not get moderator anyway. Why would they risk promoting someone that's new in the first place?
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/moderator-applications.58502/ You literally copied my suggestion with a few edits...
Normally the player might have been playing the server for a long time, Only to realise there was a forum page, you never know, but yeah I agree with you here.
I think 2weeks would be perfect maybe even a month.... I joined recently and i want Mod but... I also want to make the server better. I recommend about 2 weeks to a month as it will give time for the person to learn his/her way around forums and how everything works around here.