Hi please help me get back my elite rank my old ign was Miles_Sunhede then when i changed name to shangapallia i didn't have my rank or any money and stuff.i changed back and maybe that would work,but it didn't.I have some video proof but those videos are not so good.I latest have my slime pet,thats a little proof.my Skype is <Edited for safety>.Please contact me if you can help,it would be really nice.
Hi, the best thing to do, would to be maybe contact the staff directly? That might get you you're answer quicker buddy! Have a nice day Hope you get you're rank back also!
I would remove your skype from this thread for your own safety. To get your rank back you will need to email Cypriot at: [email protected] Make sure to include both your exact usernames(old and new) and any evidence you may have of your rank, or proof of purchase.
I have edited out your skype as a safety precaution. Follow the tips listed above and you should get your rank back soon.
Please send an email to [email protected] where an admin can see your request providing the following things Problem With Your Rank Your IGN If your problem isn't fixed within a few days after sending the email try sending another one but please do not spam the email. If not after that then try sending one every few days.