Feel free to express how you feel about Mineverse's game mode Infection. It could be about the good things of Infection, or about the bad things. Just express your opinion. This will help each of us to understand each other's point of view about Infection. Have a good day.
Personally, I don't understand the whole scheme of it. I'd probably like it if I knew what it was about.
Everything. ;\ That's why it's not my main gamemode anymore. http://prntscr.com/853aqe http://prntscr.com/853alx
Infection is not like factions or kit pvp. It is more like Skywars or mini games. There are rounds that rotate through different maps. When a round begins, everyone spawns on one of Infection's unique maps. Everyone starts off as a human, who wear iron and/or diamond armour with bows and arrows. All humans are on the same team so you cannot hurt each other. Everyone has one minute to find a good spot to survive, hide or get kills. When the one minute is up, three random people are transformed into zombies who wear chain mail armour, and are put on a different team enabling them to kill humans, but also are not able to kill their own team. Whenever a zombie kills a human, the human respawns as a zombie, hence the name Infection. Now there is a rank system within the game. There are the level ranks such as Pvt or Sgt, the higher the rank, the better human gear you get. There is also a rank for zombies, although to advance in that field you must sacrifice 120 of your human rank levels to go up in one zombie level, also known as prestige. Donor ranks are used in Infection. A kit will give full armour, and a sword. Kits can be used while a human or a zombie, so be careful as some guy who looks like a human may be a zombie. There is a killstreak called a roflstomp which can only be received by humans. To get a roflstomp you must get 5 kills in one round. After that, each kill is a roflstomp. Roflstomps give care packages to the human who gets it. Possible items in a care package are 2 grenades, 1 airstrike, 1 gapple, or 8 arrows. When a human gets a roflstomp, it is broadcasted in the global chat. There is also a killstreak for zombies. It is also recieved through 5 kills in one round without dying. They can receive an egg which poisons humans, or a spider eye which does nothing. Although it is not broadcasted. That is pretty much the jist of Infection. There are other small things, but I explained the basics. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me with them.
Bad things -Some maps haven't been fixed, for example: Towers, Jungle -Replace spider eyes with a more useful killstreak -P8, P9, P10 -Personally, I think killstreaks should be broadcasted so players won't confuse killstreak egging with P6 egging. -Nuketown is still an infection map
Its hide n' seek with zombies and swords, how does that not sound appealing :P, But eventually you lose hype from hackers, and that one hiding spot that people hide in pets with.
Yeah I've been noticing that as well.:( ;) I agree. Lots of things need to be fixed. Many have been a problem for a long time. When I'm on there's barely any hackers. Plus, the age of pet hiders is over.
Might wanna change that to pet hiders,Not being rude but I would hate to see one of the only people on here I respect receiving a bad spelling rate for a typo, delete this message when you see it if you want afterwards ;) @Scorvix