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  • Mineverse.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Echoed_, Sep 4, 2015.


    Which ones do you agree with?

    1. Creative

      33 vote(s)
    2. Infection

      30 vote(s)
    3. Skywars

      27 vote(s)
    4. Forums

      31 vote(s)
    5. Skyblock

      28 vote(s)
    6. Prison

      30 vote(s)
    7. Factions/OP Factions

      33 vote(s)
    8. Survival

      26 vote(s)
    9. Archerpvp

      25 vote(s)
    10. Kitpvp/OpPvp

      36 vote(s)
    Multiple votes are allowed.
    1. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Lets be real, Mineverse is broken. @Ares_Xena made a thread covering several gamemodes, and @Silentó made a thread about the forums. I doubt anyone is going to look at this thread, and I bet ItzSlay will dislike it for no reason, but here we go with my suggestions for mineverse.


      1) (Suggested by @CYBER_SQUAD originally) add kits for donors to access world edit for a period of time.

      His thread for more details ---> http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kits-for-creative.57871/#post-596735

      2) Role Play/Plot Chat: This first suggestion is to reduce the spam, and I believe this will help A LOT if people are sensible enough to use it. Most of the spam is for people that are talking to friends in Role Plays, or communicating with others that are helping with a build. This is my suggestion, that you can do something like /plot chat or something like that (Not sure if that exists). This way, only people that are currently on your plot can see the chat.

      3) /me spam reducer: This next suggestion is to reduce the spam that is caused by the command /me. For those who don't know, donors (I Believe Sponsor+) can do /me (message). Basically it will make your chat message stand out a little bit more. So, I think you should only be able to do /me every 5 seconds. This will reduce spam immensely and this can even work overall, like you can only chat overall every 5 seconds. Most people think it should be 3 seconds, but on a place like Creative, the spam is insane so 5 seconds would be better.

      4) Bigger Plot Size: This was suggested by 3yerrt, but I am putting it in here anyway because I believe it is needed. This would require either a reset on creative, or make a /creative 2. I believe the second one is the answer to this problem though. Basically, the plot size now is 64x64, which is very small for builds. I believe it should be about 100x100, or even up to 150x150. Lots of people like to build things for the server, like Infection maps, or Lobbies. With bigger plots, Bigger maps and builds for the server [​IMG]

      5) World Edit: All together, world edit has a couple of issues. The main being world edit limit. Right now, you can only do a maximum of 400 blocks. Honestly, that isn't enough, and gets tedious trying to make iron fence walls (for example), or water or changing the ground. I think you should have a maximum of 600-800 blocks total. It will be easier to use world edit, and make larger builds.

      6) Water/lava Buckets: While it is true that water and lava can be used for griefing, and causing lag, it is also very helpful for builds. Currently, you must use world edit to get lava/water, and even at that it doesn't run like it usually would. I think you should be able to use Buckets again, as they are extremely helpful for building.

      7) Extra Commands: So, it is a pain to get to certain places without ./p h[​IMG]plot number) and (player). So, these 2 commands would be amazing to add, as you can get to parts of your plot, or certain places in creative:
      The suggestions: /back, and /sethome
      For /sethome, you can do /sethome at a place and you can do /home to get back to that spot.
      Premium-MVP: 2 set homes.
      Elite-Supreme: 3 set homes.
      God-Titan: 5 set homes.
      With /back, if you warp somewhere, you can do /back to get to where you were before.

      8) /Creative 2: There are several lag machines. Adding a /creative 2 (with all suggestions above) Would balance out the community.

      1)Prestiges: Look, prestiges have been broken for a WHILE now. Prestige 8, 9, and 10, just give you arrows, and no bow. It makes it having no point into upgrading from prestige 6 or 7.
      Prestige 8 - Bow and 2 Arrow
      Prestige 9 - Bow and 3 arrow
      Prestige 10- Bow and 4 Arrow
      Also, Prestige 1 gives you Projectile Protection, while Prestige 2 gives you Blast Protection. I think you should switch them around, because Projectile is much better than Blast protection.

      2) Map edits/removes

      Jungle - This map just sucks. It is a bunch of planted trees with vines, and a waterfall. Honestly, a jungle (From Dictionary.com) means: a wild land overgrown with dense vegetation, often nearly impenetrable, especially tropical vegetation or a tropical rain forest.
      This would mean lots of trees, bone meal, Rivers, Mountains, etc.

      Nuketown - Look, this map used to be awesome! It was very large, with countless spots. The main problem with the old version was kit swapping, and zombies using Iron armor to disguise as humans. In an attempt to fix the map, Cypriot ruined the map (Dont blame him- Everyone makes mistakes). Now, the map is much smaller, with only spots you can glitch out of and even out of the map.

      Rust - This one is obvious. It used to be a great map, with a balance of spots, open space, and it was simple yet detailed. But, now several of the spots are ruined, and there is one main problem - The iron fences. People can easily jump off the nether building to get on to the fences and run around the map. I think that the fences should be raised about 10 more blocks, and for good measure, put bedrock back on the top. Also, the waterfall has been made less OP, since the water started flowing to the bottom, making it easily accessible for zombies (Please Change!!!)

      Towers - This one is a little less obvious, but nevertheless it needs changes. Currently, the main spot is the Large cobble trees, where I think should keep the same. The only change that needs to be made is the towers. It used to be able to get on top of the towers, which was really fun. I think you should be able to get on top of the towers, but it is easier to get knocked off of the top. Also, remove the vines and water from the bottom of the map.

      3) Moderator Timezones: Look, I definitely dont blame the moderators AT ALL. They do their job very well, and it is very hard to moderate such a large community. @Alex @KingAlex @Nightfire and all the other mods are amazing mods/people. But, that doesn't mean they can be on all the time. I think that new mods should be brought it that are in different timezones, like the Australian, European, and Middle Eastern timezones. It would help moderate the community - Also, I believe it was @melgrath who suggested Junior Moderators/Helpers which would be very helpful

      1) Add more maps: ADD MORE MAPS. PLEASE. There aren’t many maps, and
      they aren’t many good ones.

      2) Make the shop items cost a little bit more, especially the OP items, like the TNT Cannon, and the Switcher.

      3) PLEASE. MAKE. OP. SKYWARS. A. THING. It is an amazing suggestion, and can be a great edition.
      @Diamonds180 made this suggestion. His thread can be found here ---> http://www.mineverse.com/threads/server-gamemode-op-skywars-suggestion.57241/#post-593128

      4) Make a new Skywars Lobby, the current one doesn't help people. The new one should have signs that tell people tips, some rules, and commands.

      Make it possible to do /msg in game please. If you are messaging a friend and you go in game, you can't message back.

      6) Give a reward for winning a match.

      1) Make it possible to like peoples comments on peoples walls.

      2) Please let people sign up. Damnit, Xenforo. It is really annoying, as some of my friends can't submit maps or anything because they don't have a forums account and can't signup.

      Let people who are banned be able to make appeals, (As @Silentó said) you are losing a Sh*t ton of money. People who are long time members are being banned, and they can't make appeals.

      Add new ratings.

      1) Add a mini server shop, with things like saplings, farming materials, and maybe some things like water buckets and lava buckets (buckets cost more).

      1) Quests - Quests are given by NCP villagers/customized mobs to look like players, which can offer you jobs inside the prison. By completing these, you will earn money to rank up.

      2) Tutorial room - A tutorial room would be useful to players who don't realize there is a forum website for help, tutorials and advice. You would first spawn in this tutorial room where everything about Mineverse-prison will be explained. After which you spawn into the prison.

      3) Add additional rooms - A prison is more than just hard-labor. A cantina, shower rooms, even a courtyard for prisoners to go outside. The courtyard could include a small parkour which players could complete for a free $1000 every 24-hours, or a PvP arena.

      1) Head-Hunting - When you get a kill, make it drop their heads, so you can trade, auction, etc. with them.

      2) Legendary Items - You can get legendary keys, and put them into legendary chests, and get awesome items, with cool enchantments and effects. To get a legendary key you have a 0.01% to get one while killing someone, or mining a DIAMOND ORE. (To promote mining and hard work :))

      3) Change the Economy - Make everything cost more, but make the still equal.

      4) A new spawn design with parkour, and other things to make it more suitable for factions.

      5) /warp pvp - A large arena where people can battle it out for fun.

      PART 2 DOWN BELOW {Character Limit}
    2. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      I am getting a bit tired, so I am just going to copy/paste @Ares_Xena's words exactly from his suggestion thread.
      • Add PvP arena for fair PvP.
      • Add new items to the shop (i.e: cocoa beans, slime-balls, mob loot)
      • Add an adapted version of MCMMO.
      • In-game rank system.
      ○ An in-game rank system where players can rank up from custom ranks with no donor features. Just a competition on who is a higher rank.
      • Preventing /God in combat.
      ○ Having Titans jump in-and out of /God while fighting is the most annoying thing besides Trump running for president. It's an unfair advantage. Preventing Titan-players to use /God while in combat would make a fight more fair.
      Three Survival game-modes?
      • Three Survival game-modes, easy, medium, and hardcore. Easy would have no mobs what-so-ever. It's for beginners or players who are too afraid of being blown up. No /enchant, /god with a PvP-tag.
      ○ Medium (current survival) mobs can blow you up. No /enchant (only from the shop), /god with a PvP-tag.
      ○ Hardcore would have no /enchant nor /god. Mobs spawn at a faster rate. Chests can be unlocked in unclaimed areas (unless a private sign is placed) and the ability to sign up for /raid
      ○ (hardcore, explaining /raid) The command /raid is a hardcore command only. You can raid other players, but other players who enabled /raid can raid you.
      Example: Player one enables /raid and raids player 2. While player 3 raids player 1 and goes home with his loot.
      • Remove /enchant, but wait!
      ○ Remove /enchant from the current Survival game-mode (or any version) but have (Titan players only) go to a special donation shop and purchase enchants for a very high price.
      Example: Sharpness I - V can range from $10,000 to $50,000.

      1) Arrows - Add more arrows for the shop

      2) Map - Make a new map with less water, more land.

      1) Add a better shop that looks nicer, and explains the kits ( Major, etc.) So people who know what are in them.

      2) Make commands for /1v1 so you can easily 1v1 people. (Not going to go into depth) Just check out this link -

      3) Make a better map (Kitpvp) with less water and more detail.

      4) Reset Kitpvp entirely, to fix the economy.

      5) Balance kit titan by increasing the cooldown.


      Thats all for now. I will add edits later. Thanks to the people that I tagged before for your suggestions :)
      Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
    3. Diamonds180

      Diamonds180 Well-Known Member

      Mar 17, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks. :D
    4. Freddo

      Freddo Experienced Member

      Dec 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew, read some of these suggestions, so easy to add yet improve the game so much.

      Support on a Large Majority of these.
    5. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I agree
    6. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      OpPrison - Reset

      Anyways, this is amazing. I support basicly all of these.
    7. tin15cro

      tin15cro Well-Known Member

      Sep 24, 2014
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      Tutorial room for prison could be put into a book eh?
    8. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      A few things I think could help kitpvp, 1st thing is obvious, 2nd most Titans/gods/supremes would disagree with :P

      1) I think the KitPvP server should be reset. KitPvP is more like OpPvP now. Everybody has alts upon alts full of P4, p4 unbr 3, OP swords, rare items, ect. Don't even get me started on people's balances.
      This server's reset is long overdue

      2) Something that should follow the release is nerf the Titan kit. If KitPvP were reset Titans would be able to have full echests/alts full of p4 within a matter of days because of their p3 armor in their kit. I think either the cool down should be longer, or it should be reduced.
      -Titan p2
      - God p1
      - Supreme non-enchanted
      And then the rest can stay the same.
    9. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Support except for the part about Survival gamemodes.
    10. Freddo

      Freddo Experienced Member

      Dec 19, 2014
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      Read up on my thread in suggestions, "KitPvP New Map (No Reset)" I belive that increasing the /kit Titan cooldown will bring balance to the server without a reset.
    11. Musezeta

      Musezeta Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2014
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      No mention of the broken permissions for MVP, Elite and Supreme on Infection. Also hoppers need to be re-enabled in a way that prevents duping. It's one of the most important blocks in the game and to have it sit in a worthless state makes a lot of useful builds, well useless.
    12. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No problem
      They don't receive tags, but thanks :)
      thank you.
      thanks a lot! Anyway, I forgot about op prison lol.
      I will add that right away once I get on my computer.
      Will add once I get to my computer. Anyway, do you like the other suggestions?
      it would still need a reset because the economy there is ruined
      what are the broken perms? I didn't realize that their were any broken perms.
      while Mineverse is completely ruined, I made this thread to bring it all to attention so it has a small chance of salvation.
    13. Musezeta

      Musezeta Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2014
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      Can't use things like /feed, /ptime, and any other command other donor ranks may have.
    14. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Infection, infection, infection.
    15. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ah. Okay, I will add that.
      I don't know if that was a support or no support, but I will take it as a compliment. :)
    16. Dom

      Dom Well-Known Member

      Feb 3, 2014
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    17. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      'People can easily jump off the nether building to get on to the fences and run around the map. I think that the fences should be raised about 10 more blocks' you see, the map was like that before, but Cypriot changed it as he didn't want players getting out of the map. He changed it back to the original-with a few changes to what it is now. I don't really see a problem with Rust.

      'I think you should be able to get on top of the towers, but it is easier to get knocked off of the top'
      At a point of time this year, maps were heavily griefed including towers, and you were able to get to the top. Originally that position was impossible without hacking.

      I support all the other points on the 'Infection' list nonetheless.
    18. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Prison points~
      '1) Quests - Quests are given by NCP villagers/customized mobs to look like players, which can offer you jobs inside the prison. By completing these, you will earn money to rank up.'

      I don't feel a use for this, and where in Prison this can be held. There are already mines for players to mine to free-man. No, prison doesn't need this, but what it needs are more plots.

      '2) Tutorial room - A tutorial room would be useful to players who don't realize there is a forum website for help, tutorials and advice. You would first spawn in this tutorial room where everything about Mineverse-prison will be explained. After which you spawn into the prison.'
      'Add additional rooms - A prison is more than just hard-labor. A cantina, shower rooms, even a courtyard for prisoners to go outside.'

      Again, what for?

      'The courtyard could include a small parkour which players could complete for a free $1000 every 24-hours'

      I'd support this point. Though, it could be better thought through.
    19. Javid

      Javid Experienced Member

      Jul 17, 2014
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    20. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the suggestions/input.
      Thanks :)

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