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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ponyknight99, Aug 28, 2015.

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    1. Ponyknight99

      Ponyknight99 Well-Known Member

      Feb 19, 2015
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      *sigh* I could say a lot about those who bully me around... but I'm not allowed to say those words. However, before you go saying "This is all for attention", or "we aren't bullying you" and stuff like that, let me say this. the reason this is getting attention is because people decided to come here. I didn't tell you to come here, you came here yourself. So before you say this is for attention, you gave this attention because you wanted to, not because I told you to come here. As for you people saying you don't bully me, you dislike almost everything I say for practically no reason, and any time I say something in public, you people come and attack me. So yes, you ARE bullying me. And also, you people may call this a "worthless thread". But shall i remind you, that some of you have done it too? With that said, let's-a go.

      You people are honestly really terrible people. some have you have been mods in the past, and now look at you. You resolve to picking on someone who basically like you. We are all humans, are we not? We are all entitled to our own opinions. So why is it that whenever I express my own opinion, I get bombarded with dislikes, disrespect, and swearing? So what if my opinion doesn't make a lot of sense? I don't deserve this kind of treatment by others. Yet guess what? No matter what you people did, I held my own against multiple opponents, and even got multiple bans in because of their bullying. They don't realize it, and even deny it, but they are doing more damage to themselves than they are me. Such accusations as me being stupid and so many other insults, when really they're only proving something. I once read that doing what's right will often lead to criticism. Well they're proving that right, what with attacking me, and the mods.

      Now for something that I would like to point out. Occasionally you people either bring up my relationship, or my own personal life. what does it matter to you if I have a girlfriend? My friends, and even Ares are ok with it. And for those who say I have no friends, you can kindly get out, because I do have a good number of friends, here, and irl.

      Oh. and for those who make fun of me for being a pony, let me just say I'm not what I used to be in that department. It's more of just something that I have a light interest in at this point, hardly enough to watch the show. While I still love the songs, and would still love to be one, I'm not nearly the MLP fan I used to be. I'm more focused now around what a lot of other boys enjoy. You know, FNAF, YT, Mortal Kombat, Minecraft, all that good stuff. I'm not who I used to be when it comes to MLP, and I've been that way before I even joined the forums, so please get off my case about something that isn't entirely true anymore.

      And the last thing: you people's failures at taking my advice. I've told you people repeatedly that if you just ignore me, you won't have to deal with me. But of course, you people still continue to come after me. Why? I gave you a much better way to get me out of your lives and you don't take it? Why? Why take the much harder way, that honestly won't end up working? If you had just taken my advice, this would've been over a lot sooner.

      That is all I shall say.
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    2. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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    3. Marko The Cat

      Marko The Cat Experienced Member

      May 9, 2014
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      Please! Everyone just stop. Can't you see he is having a hard time? If you want this to stop just stop picking on him.
    4. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      this is not bullying
      good god learn your vocabulary pls
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