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  • Infection.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Echoed_, Aug 15, 2015.


    Which ones do you agree with?

    1. Suggestion 1

      5 vote(s)
    2. Suggestion 2

      0 vote(s)
    3. Suggestion 3

      0 vote(s)
    4. Suggestion 4

      0 vote(s)
    5. Suggestion 5

      0 vote(s)
    6. Suggestion 6

      0 vote(s)
    7. All of the Above

      5 vote(s)
    8. None.

      1 vote(s)
    1. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Inspired by @Scorvix I am making a large suggestion thread. I made one of these for creative, so hope you enjoy and agree with these suggestions.

      Suggestion 1: Prestiges
      Look, prestiges have been broken for a WHILE now. Prestige 8, 9, and 10, just give you arrows, and no bow. It makes it having no point into upgrading from prestige 6 or 7.
      Prestige 8 - Bow and 2 Arrow
      Prestige 9 - Bow and 3 arrow
      Prestige 10- Bow and 4 Arrow
      Also, Prestige 1 gives you Projectile Protection, while Prestige 2 gives you Blast Protection. I think you should switch them around, because Projectile is much better than Blast protection.

      Suggestion 2: Op Zombie.
      Look, OP zombie is not fun at all. If you log on while a non donor, its almost impossible too win without camping in an Op spot. I suggest removing OP zombie, and make it impossible to use your kit while zombie.

      Suggestion 3: Kit Balance
      Kit Supreme and Kit Elite are way too close together. Supreme is a 30$ upgrade from Elite, yet the only difference is the sword. I suggestion making kit supreme have Protection 1 and Unbreaking 1.

      Suggestion 4: Removing Maps
      Lets be real here. Some of the maps just SUCK right now. Here are some that need to be removed ASAP -

      Jungle -
      This map just sucks. It is a bunch of planted trees with vines, and a waterfall. Honestly, a jungle (From Dictionary.com) means: a wild land overgrown with dense vegetation, often nearly impenetrable, especially tropical vegetation or a tropical rain forest.
      This would mean lots of trees, bone meal, Rivers, Mountains, etc.

      Nuketown -
      Look, this map used to be awesome! It was very large, with countless spots. The main problem with the old version was kit swapping, and zombies using Iron armor to disguise as humans. In an attempt to fix the map, Cypriot ruined the map (Dont blame him- Everyone makes mistakes). Now, the map is much smaller, with only spots you can glitch out of and even out of the map.

      Suggestion 5: Editing Maps
      Here are some maps that are good, but need to be edited greatly.

      Rust -
      This one is obvious. It used to be a great map, with a balance of spots, open space, and it was simple yet detailed. But, now several of the spots are ruined, and there is one main problem - The iron fences. People can easily jump off the nether building to get on to the fences and run around the map. I think that the fences should be raised about 10 more blocks, and for good measure, put bedrock back on the top. Also, the waterfall has been made less OP, since the water started flowing to the bottom, making it easily accessible for zombies (Please Change!!!)

      Towers - This one is a little less obvious, but nevertheless it needs changes. Currently, the main spot is the Large cobble trees, where I think should keep the same. The only change that needs to be made is the towers. It used to be able to get on top of the towers, which was really fun. I think you should be able to get on top of the towers, but it is easier to get knocked off of the top.

      Suggestion 6: Moderator Timezones
      Look, I definitely dont blame the moderators AT ALL. They do their job very well, and it is very hard to moderate such a large community. @Alex @KingAlex @Nightfire and all the other mods are amazing mods/people. But, that doesn't mean they can be on all the time. I think that new mods should be brought it that are in different timezones, like the Australian, European, and Middle Eastern timezones. It would help moderate the community - Also, I believe it was @melgrath who suggested Junior Moderators/Helpers which would be very helpful

      Thank you for reading and have a good day. :)
    2. Diggy

      Diggy Island Boy Premium

      Nov 9, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Many of these threads have been made before. MANY of them.
      But I do support this.

      1. They really need to fix these. It's been almost 1 year or 2 since these broke.

      2. I don't agree with this one because there are a ton of human based maps and zombies need a little power on their side to help them win.

      3. Support but not that much….

      4. Support to the max. Jungle is a highly human based map and nuketown is more a human based than zombie based. Also that new map, Dragonland has wayyyyy to many hiding places.

      5. Agreed.

      6. Agreed. We need more of EU, AU and US mods.
    3. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support for suggestions one, five and six.

      2.Op zombies are a part of the game. I played as a non-donor until I was prestige 4, and having Op Zombies forced me to learn and adapt.

      3.Supreme should not get protection one as God has that.

      4.If someone would re-make Jungle, that would be great. Dont't remove Nuketown, it is fun. Just edit it to remove a lot of the desert.

      5.If the bars are made higher, there needs to be more hiding spots put in. Keep the towers the way they are, when the tops were accessible, it was because of a glitch. But the water fall and vines on Towers must be removed.
    4. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You and infection..
    5. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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    6. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      Add multiple options (Unlimited) to the poll. Also, support for most of them. I'd like to add my own suggestion to this thread. Every time a new round starts, all donor kits are able to be used, no matter what time you used it in the last game.
    7. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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    8. Diggy

      Diggy Island Boy Premium

      Nov 9, 2013
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    9. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      I don't agree, because then Titans and gods will almost always win. It's already bad enough with the pay2win, but this would make it crazy
    10. MischaEy

      MischaEy Experienced Member

      Nov 29, 2014
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      Ok so I'm not an infection addict like I used to be but I'm starting to play again. I agree with some of your points and I'm really pissed off at the amount of gods that use they're kit every round that still haven't prestiged yet. Many people would say that I can't talk about that cause I'm a titan. I like to play without my kit almost every round and only use my kit if I need to kill some of these gods that think that they are better that everyone. Good luck with no. 1 though that rlly needs to get fixed!
    11. 5DollarBillMC2

      5DollarBillMC2 Active Member

      Feb 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. agreed
      2. no
      3. no
      4. sorta
      5. agreed
      6. agreed

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