Hello everyone and thank you for reading this, I was thinking all this time why kit's on KitPvP got nerf?I'm God rank and i'm getting only 4 pearls? :3 I think that's annoying because i spend a lot money on enderpearls.I make a poll if you want back old kits or you want the nerf kits.
I hate this aswell. Some lucky day when I die, it takes for so long to get even 1 stack of pearls back.
I'm not going with 1 stack only pearls..I need half inventory if im going with p4 armor and my other half inv have pots.
I remember the day when I didn't care about pearls cause I could get them easy, now i don't want to use then :(
Yeah. Old kits would be nice. Since they were nerfed, Most people had to lose their prefix buying commander.