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  • [NZ] Travis_B's Mod Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Travisb459, Aug 13, 2015.

    1. Travisb459

      Travisb459 Active Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      How old are you?: I am 17 years of age.

      Your in-game name: Travis_B

      Your first name in real life?: Travis.

      Do you have Skype?: Yes, many players already have me added on Skype. Also, I have other voice communication method's such as Teamspeak 3.

      What timezone are you in?: I am in New Zealand Time Zone (UTC+12:00)

      What country do you live in?: I live in New Zealand

      What languages do you speak?: I speak English, Spanish, and a few words from Russian and Arabic.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?: I believe I have the ability to become a successful mod because of the following qualities:

      1- Honesty.
      In a tough situation, honesty can be the last thing that comes to mind. Though if an issue occurred within the server, I wouldn't hide behind it, I would admit to my mistake and learn from it. Also, If I player asked about a feature of the server, I can honestly answer him, giving him the right answer to his or her's question.

      2- Respect.
      I can and will respect all those above me, such as the owner, Co-owner, and admins. I can talk with respect and a calm collective posture even when the situation gets tough at any given time. Also, no matter how someone is speaking to me, (wether it be another player or a staff member) I will respond kindly and with respect.

      3- Experience.
      I have been on Minecraft for quite some time now, and I have been staff on multiple server. Due to this, I have an immense amount of experience as a player, a staff member, and a general Minecraft player. I know and understand how to use commands such as /kick, /mute, and such. I also understand how to undo those commands. Another thing I have experience with is hacking, due to this I can usually identify and or spot a hacker quite fast, and ban him before he/she does damage to the server.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?: I can be on the server everyday for about 2-8 hours, depending on the day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?: I have been playing Mineverse for about 2 years now, back when one of my friends introduced me to it.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: Yes, I have experience as a Moderator and other positions, which I will tell you about now.

      Server #1 SwagCraft

      Owner- NickSwag13
      Status- Offline
      This server is were I learned the ropes of staff, and lot's of commands. The owner and I met on a Hunger Game's server, about 7-8 months ago. We were both playing in the same game, and both chasing a hacker. We killed the hacker together, and discovered we make a good team. He told me he had a server, and invited me to play on it. His server had about 15-20 players on daily, which was pretty big for me. He was in need of a Moderator, so he invited me to apply. (I would show you my application, but he took that server website down). I applied, and he accepted! I began my journey of moderator with the simple things, saying things like "Please quiet down", or "Stop spamming". When Nick asked me why I wasn't using my powers of /mute and /ban, I admitted I did not know how! He then taught me, and I learned all the commands. In due time, the server was free of spammers and advertisers. Thing's were going well, until tragedy struck. Nick's mother was ill, and Nick was failing school. He told me he would restart the server when things got better, but days, then weeks went by without me hearing from him. I haven't heard from him since to this day.
      (I still have his e-mail if anyone wants to confirm this, though I don't know if he will respond).

      Server #2 ToxicCraft
      Owner- Jason(A bunch of numbers, I forgot)
      Status- Offline
      After wandering through server after server, I found the small little community of ToxicCraft. The server had about 10-15 players daily, So it was a very small community. The owner had no real website, no real donation system, and honestly, it was a mess. When I joined, I was welcomed by at least 5 or 6 different people. What a great community, I thought. Though the moment I stepped into pvp, the hackers were upon me. This server really needs some help, I said to myself. So the next time the owner was on, I asked him were I could apply for staff. He said "Uhh well you see we don't Uhh HAVE a place." It was that moment I knew the server needed some serious help. So I took it upon my self to help the server. I didn't have any special commands, any sort of power or leverage. All I did was stop spammers, try to help the flame in chat quiet down, and generally recorded hackers. It was about 2 weeks in when the owner finally figured out how to give out staff ranks. He msged me in game asking if I wanted to be staff. I said yes! He then gave me a staff rank he invented called "DemiGod". It was basically helper. Even so, I used my commands (/kick and /mute) to help the server best I could. The spammer population decreased a lot, and for a while, things were calm. Though since the owner had no real payment method, he couldn't afford the server! Eventually, due to funding issues, the server ran out of cash.
      (I think I still have him on Skype if staff need to confirm)

      Server #3 CakeCrafttt

      Owner- Forgot name ;-;.
      Status- Unknown.
      When my good friend, Tyler introduced me to CakeCrafttt. It was a server run by his cousins friend, and he invited me to play on it. Let me just say, if their is ever a server who worships something, its this one. I literally could not walk around without seeing.. well... CAKE! The owner was a good person, who was on literally 24/7. Since I was good friend with the owners friend, right when I joined they gave me Staff. I protested, saying I had to apply and earn it. They muted me. In the end, I wrote my staff app and sent it to him over Skype. After reading it through, he gave me admin. Honestly, they didn't have a very big player base. They had about 10-30 players daily. My main job was to TP and watch people in vanish. I couldn't believe me eyes on how many hackers I caught. I became a master of using my admin perms, like IP banning, vanishing, and TP'ing. One day, Tyler got into a fight with the owner. The owner got mad at Tyler, and banned and demoted us both! I couldn't believe it, it was crazy. I tried to contact him over Skype, but he blocked us both. To this day, I don't know what they fought over.

      What can you do to help others? I can help members and or anyone with a rank by answering questions, teaching a certain topic, or just general help. Also, I don't mind adding people on Skype to help/show them. Lastly, I can help them with any Minecraft related question, or any server related question.

      Thanks for reading my application
      Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    2. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support, good start ;). Maybe add more info, good luck!
    3. Travisb459

      Travisb459 Active Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      Can i ask why you are saying "No Support" on everyone's app?
    4. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      This app could use a little more detail, although, it's pretty well written on your moderating experience.
      -I'd not use bright green if I were you.
      -Be more active on the forums.
      Good luck

      Well, it could be because they don't deserve a 'support'?
    5. Travisb459

      Travisb459 Active Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      Thanks for the advice :)
    6. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      It's because that I'm suggesting to add more info to their app. I don't think that question was very necessary though.
    7. Darkorso

      Darkorso Experienced Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      You worked hard on this, anyone who works hard on an app, good or not gets a support from me. ;)
    8. Mineterria

      Mineterria Boss Member

      Dec 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Can I ask why you know that?

      Do you have eye issues? Like myopia. *related to your application*
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Add more info.

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