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  • GTA Gang | Bananaz {NEW}

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Bananurz, Aug 8, 2015.

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    1. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      [​IMG] Bananaz Part I [​IMG]

      Welcome to the official home page of the "Bananaz" gang on the GTA server. This is the thread which is going to be used to recruit new members, discuss new gang topics, and generally speak about this clan. Any off topic post and unrelated comments will not be tolerated and are to be dealt with accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact any of the gang administration. The gang members will be listed below on a base of power. It will also give a brief explanation of the ranks power and role within the gang. You will also find a basic F.A.Q listed below as well.

      Gang Hierarchy

      • Leader ~ This is the rank which is the superior above any body else in the gang. There will be no one who can out rule this rank's authority. This person is in charge of the whole gang and can do as they wish. Member(s) of the leadership team...
        • bananaman11223
      • Co Leader ~ This position is superior above all besides the leader. This will be the rank that can do pretty much all the things the leader can without prior approval. This person will be able to run the gang and do as he wishes as long as the leader is okay with it. Member(s) of the co leadership team...
        • darkshadow5678
      • Elder (Officer) ~ This position is a highly respected one and will only be given to people who the administration trust. You will usually need to have experience and be a long lasting member of the clan. Although, some exceptions can be made. Elder will even have jobs which will be listed below. Elder will also have permission to promote and demote. If this is abused, the member will immediately be kicked out with no chance of return. This rank is also expected to give advice to their superior bosses/inferior colleagues. Members of the elder team include...
        • [8 elders slots open]
      • Member (Trusted) ~ This is the rank you will receive after proving to the gang leaders that you are ready to fully become part of the team. Once you receive this rank, you will need to choose a specialty and carry it out as planned. Doing so, you are fully accepted and ready to work for "Bananaz" full time.
        • [12 member slots open]
      • Recruit (New Member) ~ This is the default rank which you receive upon your acceptance into "Bananaz". This will be your trial period and mistakes will be looked at intensely. This is the phase in which we will separate the weak from the strong. Do well!
        • [16 member slots open]
        • Scorvix
        • Hipsterchick_
        • Flazer6424
        • DiggyHD_
        • GreekGamersTV
      With any of these ranks, you are expected to carry the job out to the best of your abilities. Some of the tactical jobs and task will be listed below. Once promoted to member, you will be able to carry out a specialty in the gang and prove yourself to the higher ups. Some things that are not tolerated in this gang are inactivity, lying, disrespect to any member, breaking of the MV rules, abuse, or any other thing that does not involve a level of basic common sense.


      Which one of these do you use or wield the best?

      • Shotguns ~ Upon picking this specialty job, you are agreeing to use this gun to the best of your ability. You are expected to be able to use this gun well and wisely upon your opponents You will be checked up once every one in a while to see if you are skilled enough to keep your job as a shotgunner. Member(s) of this class include...
        • [7 slots open when gang full]
      • Assault Rifles ~ Same as any other class, you will be expected to be highly skilled with this weapon and will be looked at to see if you can actually uphold your position as an assault gunner. Anybody who can not use this position well or to the best of the ability will be forced to transfer.
        • [7 slots open when gang full]
      • Pistols ~ Pistolers will be expected to have experience and be great at using their gun(s). Once again, you will have random checkups to see if you are doing well. This is a position that requires skill like any other class.
        • [7 slots open when gang full]
      • Snipers ~ This is the most prestigious class and may be hard to get into. You are put on thin ice to decide whether or not you are able to actually use this gun. If not, you will be replaced with little chance of getting back in. But it is not impossible. This class will get many checkups.
        • [7 slots open when gang full]
      Note: Just because you are put into a gun major does not mean you have to always use it. It just means that is your preferred class and you should be good at it. You get to choose which one and with approval, you are allowed to join said class. Also, if you fall inactive you will be removed from a job. That also includes lack of skill upon diving in a certain job. Moving on to part II.
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    2. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Bananaz Part II

      Gang Registration

      Before applying! You must have 25+ kills, 500 cash, and general respect. Copy and paste the form below onto the thread.
      • IGN:
      • How old are you?
      • What timezone do you reside in?
      • How long can you play GTA on a weekly schedule?
      • How much currency do you have currently? Evidence is needed.
      • How many kills do you have at the moment. Evidence is needed.
      • What is the weapon you are best at or like the most?
      • Why should you be part of the gang?
      • Rate your general GTA skills 1-10.
      • Anything else you would like to implement in this application?
      • How do I join this gang?
        • You join this gang by gullying understanding the contents of this thread. After, you copy and paste the application and fill it out with detail and meaning. Wimpy applications will not be accepted and most likely ignored by the administration.
      • Who can promote me?
        • The leader and co leader are the only people with power to promote off the spot forum wise. Although, if the administrative team can't get on to promote you, an Elder is authorized to do so.
      • What is the purpose and goal of the "Bananaz"?
        • We are a group of people who are self reliant and depend on trust, communication, and friendliness. We are thriving to become the most powerful, feared gang out there.
      • What is the point of different rankings in the gang?
        • The purpose of different ranks is so gang members will work hard to become something in the clan. You will gain respect, jobs, and more as you move on through the chain of command.
      • Why is this thread posted in discussion?
        • This thread sits here because the clan recruitment section of the forums does not have a GTA section. After all, it is server related, right? ;)
      • What happens when I am accepted and what if I am demoted?
        • If you are accepted into the "Bananaz" gang, you will be added to the gang chat and be able to discuss everything there. If you are demoted, you will be expected to fully leave the conversation and if not, a new one will be made.
      • Where do I go if I need more assistance that the F.A.Q can't give me?
        • You are able to go to any abled bodied gang member for help. The administration will also help with urgent problems that you may need. The gang chat will also be a great place to discuss things and receive the help you need.
      • Why are there 2 parts of this thread?
        • This thread reached the 10000 character limit.
      We hope you have a fantastic time in this gang if you are accepted. The Co Leader of this gang will be accepting your applications. Remember, add detail and try your best when applying. We are looking for highly skilled individuals. To the era of the victorious gang, "Bananaz"!

      Tagging possible future members.

      Your leader,
      Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    3. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
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      I look forward to being Co Leader of the "Bananaz" gang. Feel free to ask me questions! I would be glad to help.

    4. Nubby

      Nubby Boss Member

      May 1, 2014
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      No way, bananaman, I invented that word "Bananaz", though you can be leader of bananaz on GTA :) only gta..
      • Like Like x 1
    5. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      What? This is for GTA only right now. There will be on "Bananaz" on survival yet at least.
    6. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Do as you wish.
    7. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      • IGN: Scorvix
      • How old are you? 18
      • What timezone do you reside in? EST
      • How long can you play GTA on a weekly schedule? Varies
      • How much currency do you have currently? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      • How many kills do you have at the moment. 0
      • What is the weapon you are best at or like the most? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      • Why should you be part of the gang? I'm loyal and trustworthy
      • Rate your general GTA skills 1-10. Somewhere from 1 to 10
      • Anything else you would like to implement in this application? I'm new to GTA

      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2015
    8. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
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      You are accepted by bananaman11223. You are invited as a recruit. Please choose your weapon and have the requirements by next week. Note that you were accepted because friendship with bananaman11223.
      • Like Like x 1
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Thanks. I'll try my best to learn how to play. :)
    10. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      IGN - Flazer6424
      How old are you - 13
      What timezone do you reside in - I live in the Eastern time zone.
      How long can you play GTA on a weekly schedule - I can usually be on for at least an hour each day.
      How much currency do you have currently? - $1360
      How many kills do you have at the moment? - 515
      What is the weapon you are best at or like the most - I wouldn't exactly say I'm the best at it, but I use the Barrett .50 the most.
      Why should you be part of the gang - I think I should be part of this gang because I am looking for an active and good gang to join. I believe that by joining your gang I could bring something into it.
      Rate your general GTA skills 1-10 - 7 or 8
      Anything else you would like to implement in this application? - Nope.


      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2015
    11. CherokeeSmiles

      CherokeeSmiles Active Member

      Feb 7, 2015
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      Flazer i thought you were in a gang also i will be applying for this gang tomorrow.
    12. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      Sorry to go off topic, but aren't you lobby banned? I've also left my gang as most players were inactive and never come on.
      Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    13. slay

      slay Experienced Member

      Jun 17, 2015
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      IGN: HipsterChick_
      How old are you? 15
      What timezone do you reside in? (UTC-05:00)
      How long can you play GTA on a weekly schedule? 3 hours a day
      How much currency do you have currently? Evidence is needed. I don't have proof but I know I have 568$
      How many kills do you have at the moment. Evidence is needed. 289
      What is the weapon you are best at or like the most? Sniper
      Why should you be part of the gang? bc im anna
      Rate your general GTA skills 1-10. 8
      Anything else you would like to implement in this application? no

      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2015
    14. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
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      Accepted as recruit. We will determine when you can officially join because we need evidence. Please show a screenshot of your currency and kills by next week! Have fun!

      Edit: Note that you have to be online to be invited. Say in our group chat when you can be on.
    15. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Accepted. You have showed loyalty by leaving your other gang. We are happy to have you. Welcome. Accepted as the rank, recruit.
    16. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No problem! We can help you whenever we can!
    17. Diggy

      Diggy Island Boy Premium

      Nov 9, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I will be applying for elder as soon as I get a computer.
    18. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Sounds good.
    19. Diggy

      Diggy Island Boy Premium

      Nov 9, 2013
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      How old are you?

      What timezone do you reside in?
      UTC -4:00

      How long can you play GTA on a weekly schedule?

      When I play Infection/Survival and I get kind of bored I come to play GTA so I would say 2/3 hours daily. I have been inactive for a bit now because I am dealing with some school and life issues.

      What is the weapon you are best at or like the most?

      Anything with a scope.

      Why should you be part of the gang?

      Because I would like to have some people to watch my back. I would also enjoy exploring with someone to fight with. I also would like to be part of this because you have some really cool people in it and for those I don't know, I hope to befriend.

      Rate your general GTA skills 1-10.

      I would say 7/8.

      Anything else you would like to implement in this application?

    20. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Accepted as recruit.
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