Your ingame name: EasyPanda The offender's ingame name: iiPro A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking (kill aura) Evidence/screenshots.
UnHidden Content: Are any other mods able to view this video? It says the file isn't supported in my browser @Prin
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I don't see hacks in this video as the reported player is lagging. Although are you using Macros for your heal?
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*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** @MaxNinja10 he holds tab in the video twice - He claims that Mischq_ healed him, yet that player is not online on either of the times he holds tab. Think he's lying? I think he was using macros. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
UnHidden Content: ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I can't view the video because the type of file that was uploaded isn't supported on my phone. :/
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.