How old are you? I am currently turning 16 turning 17 in july. Your in-game name: KyptonicWolf What timezone are you in? I am in Pacific Time. What country do you live in? California What languages do you speak? Spanish and English Why do you think you should become a mod? I should become a mod because I am respectful to other payers and can help this server by being polite helping others every day. Also I can help the server personal with hackers and spammers or bad words. I can answer peoples questions and I know a couple commands and the responsibility of being a moderator which i will talk about later in the thread. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active at least 5 hours a day with breaks and when school comes around ill try to do 4. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Im guessing a year and half anyway a very long time. Have you ever been banned in the past? I have never been banned from mineverse or any other server before. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have been Co Owner for my friends server before. Which two servers would you like to moderate? I would like to Moderate Kit PVP and OP PVP and occasionally i play infected. Thank You, KyptonicWolf
Si, atractiva a la vista, no cegadora. haha Te recomiendo darte una vuelta por las aplicaciones de los demas miembros del foro. :D
Te sugiero te tomes tu tiempo para aplicar para moderador. Lo unico que hiciste fue cambiarle el color y subrayar la letra. Aqui tienes una aplicacion que es buena y tiene bastante apoyo.
With the way you have it set up, it's really hard to read. I suggest removing the underline, spacing out questions, and making the answers a different color. I also suggest adding more information. Good luck.
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Fix grammar related errors. Be more active on the Forums. Good luck.
No support Would it be better if you spaced out the questions and answers more? Putting it all together like that makes it hard to read and to understand it. Use different colors