Hello. After being back for a little while now, I have come to the conclusion that there are certain staff that believe that they can do things out of their power because they think their current state can cover up for it. I have also seen that some people on here are honestly the dumbest people o have ever seen before. THEY RECOMMENDED A DEPRESSED PERSON TO PLAY MC AND NOT GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. If anyone decides to be dumb on this thread, I'll dislike it and report the post. thx <3
When someone is having a rough time they can make mistakes. Not everyone's depression is long term and its a matter of circumstance therefore not everyone requires help. Depression is not an excuse. But it does increase the room for error. When that happens, you walk away for a bit, or you take a little break or find something to help you. For some its minecraft. I know all to well that depression is not an excuse from experience especially in moderating. It is clear its not. But to have a bit of understanding is a crucial part, and not everyone has that.
To learn simple English phrases, I would recommend taking a college course on how to read. The University of Pheonix has many courses that can aid with your inability to read basic English.
Some people go on Minecraft to be within a community where they feel well-liked and appreciated, like they're worth something.