-=ARES=- We have all been waiting for Ares to be released on Op-Prison. I play Op-Prison nearly every day and I am only rank R but once Ares comes out i'm gonna mine for my life. What is Ares??: In Op-Prison There are lots of ranks (AKA letters) in Op-Prison and the last one is of-course Z. Ares comes after Z costing 50Trillion Dollars in-game quite expensive but totally worth it!I have heard the Ares will be released in a week a month ago and I keep hearing fake release dates and I don't like that. I think that its very rare that Ares will be released in the next month or so (that is what I have heard from mods) In conclusion: As I said I think Ares will be released somewhere around early 2016 or end of 2015. Hope you enjoyed reading! -KAS3456
All of the rumors you have heard are false, I have sen no proof of any conformation but this. That's the only confirmed conformation. I took this screenshot on July 16th.
"I'll release Ares soon" This most likely will happen after the GTA server is sorted from all of the bugs, then they will most likely be doing stuff like releasing Ares.
Most likely after all of the current bugs on all the servers are fixed, he'll go on to adding more stuff and releasing Ares, of course. But tbh, only time will tell.
There is literally almost 0 percent chance that he will add it anytime soon. He had said, he wasn't going to release Ares until after he had more mines. Although it has been in Op Prison, the whole time it has been out. Most Z's already have enough money to get to Ares, and some Z's have even more money than that. As of now we have 2 people that are 1 quadrillion plus. So, Cyp doesn't want to release an extra mine, just so everybody can get aggravated once again, as "everyone is I the Ares mine" (this is what Z mine has become). So, I am guessing that Cyp is going to release more mines than just Ares, at once.