To those of you who are thinking that your account is gonna get hacked you are perfectly fine. You literally have to do nothing but wait. Here is some information in the ddosing on mojang. The group that is dosing mojang is hoic squad a hacker group that hacks for publicity. The hackers do not want your account or personal info they just want publicity and the fame. People are saying all servers are down because of ddos but it's not true only mine plex hypixel and 1 other server got ddosed mojang shut down the servers so the other servers that didn't get ddosed won't get ddosed. Don't worry as long as the public API isn't getting hacked all your ranks items etc are safe and if your worried it will behacked you shouldn't because the Public API is one of the hardest things to hack so you will be fine. If u have any questions just msg me. Servers will fully up in about 1-5 hours. This ddos was a good thing because it shows that mojang must improve there security and which they will. If you have any questions just PM me thank you