Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TENSION, Jul 22, 2015.
Are servers being ddosed again..?
Apparently. Or they (noobcrew and Cypriot) let @PopIs_MyLife take control of the server.
its mojang getting hacked not mineverse. btw am i the only one on factions :P
In for a bit of a wait
mojang isn't getting hacked ... just ddosed hacking is different
s sry for being wrong
OMG 148 minutes left? HOLY $#!7
UltraTitan no...
Thats what the timed out thingy says +148m
well I think is how long the session has timed out idk
OHHHH yeah sorry I didn't read the full thingy. It better be up soon
its ok (it might be up tomorrow) idk go to the mineplex forums :/