New spawn totally sucks, the scheme doesn't go good with MV. It's wayyy to laggy. Plus, its super hard to navigate without a compass.
its to small for a lobby tbh.... it looks like a spawn area for a server who gets max 50 players. we get 1000+ make a decent lobby... maybe just an idea :p xd cos this one is mine
For easy navigation: A) Type /server and click on one. B) Type /(server you wish to connect to). Eg: /op will take you to OP PvP, /kitpvp will take you to kitpvp ect ect. Also, we rarely have 50 people staying on the hub at once, let alone thousands. On restarts there are 3 lobby's and players are split between them.
Just adding on... CypriotMerks even said this when other people offered him schematics of other spawn/hub ideas a couple months ago. He rejected all of them because they did not match the "universe" theme. And the new theme fits the server well, because there's something new floating in the sky. That's right, you guessed it, it's a planet from an outer space view.
I don't seem to lagg in it at all so it doesn't effect many other players, Seems when something changes for the greater good people tend to freak out and not like it. I understand but compare this to the other spawn I think it will be good for the server. Plus it helps the server look good and professional for new players and will greatly distinguish itself from other servers. @Tigr
i like the theme, the set up, everything...i miss the dragon and the dragon room ofc but thats long gone. the only thing i dont like about it is how you can barely see the portals...our current lobby you just walk right up to one but this requires you to look around and eventually find it where you couldnt directly see before. other than that its awesome
From seeing that, the ground looks unethical. It pretty much looks like a mess with all those different kinds of blocks in a random sequence. Our current spawn at least has a good pattern. The new one is just a mess. I hope the builders/admins can make it look nicer, as in neater
Just a new spawn. You'll get used to it. Even if it's laggy, it's not like you are actually doing anything in the lobby except choosing a game.
The new spawn is amazing. It suits the "Mineverse" theme perfectly and is a very nice, detailed build. And of course, it was made by our wonderful build team, @Nimjam, @Rythen and @Tigr. Keep up the good work guys.
I play on a server with a max 20 people on and it has a better spawn, I guess this one is alright, suiting to the universe theme is a plus.
Lag? Well I don't see anyone else that has that problem except for you, and problably some people that has bad computers. This is supposed to fit the universe theme of Mineverse.