Hello I recently changed my name from Danger_PvP to JoooshPlayz and I have lost all my mcmmo stats on prison! I anyone could help this would be great! Proof: Mcmmo proof:
heaps of people have had this happen if your email is seen cyp might restore them to you but if someone has your name then I don't think it will be possible because when someone changes their name to a past player they get their mcmmo skills and well I haven't seen anyone get their mcmmo lvls restored to them after they change their name. Good luck though.
Losing your stats is what happens when you change your name. There is no reason to give them back. Also you've been here long enough to know this will not be fixed. Regards.
Wait for the next name change and change it back to your default name as other people already stated above.
If you happen to see Cypriot on teamspeak or in-game, you can contact him there. Another option would be to email the support team ([email protected]). Hope this helps.
Change your name back. Unfortunately, you have to keep the old name if you wan't your stats to stay the same.. Or do what Jesus says (The player obviously) and find Cypriot on teamspeak or in-game, then he may be able to help you out. Hope I helped a bit! -Rocky
No. How would this be resolved anyways? There's like no way to get your stats or rank fixed. [email protected] doesn't answer anyone.
Person can change their name back or buy another account and rename that account to their old name. I had the same issue and fixed it by renaming an alt to my old name. Its the best one can do at this time if they can't get through to support. I believe the support email is more for money issues, and those will get solved first as they can hold legal implications. Im sure there are a lot of emails coming through, not all can be answered quickly.
You have to change your name back to the original if you want your stats back. Lots of people have changed their name(s) and have to work their mcmmo from scratch again. Closing.