You see.. There are things called internet plans and certain providers can only provide in a certain area, and I just so happen to be in a plan, and only certain internet providers can provide service to us. You're acting as if money isn't a factor, when it clearly is.
Lion, we don't have Verizon of whatever over here. From what I know, that internet service is extremely expensive so you'd expect good service.
Climax he's right. A couple days ago before Crew said he made some changes I'd get 50 ms, after he said he made changes I started to get 300 ms. It's not his internet
I actually don't care about Internet or ping.. As long as I can play without lagging it's cool for me.. I know I can't pep because it lags me so hard but I can still build.. Now it's my hobby in mc :>
Lmao, I pay $100 a month and according to you my internet is bad smh. That whole quote you just said is morally wrong - you basically just said that if someone is poor they're not allowed o speak, and that is literally stupid. I don't understand what you're arguing for. ^^ You see, when people are hitting 300ms that is when it's becoming unplayable. 3bars = lag.
#aussieproblems but seriously, I have seen a serious amount of lag lately in the ENTIRE server, it's not because I'm aussie, no. When the server restarted, everyone else joined back in and there was 10-15 people with X on them.. and multiple others with 1-3 bars. The connection has been shocking in the past couple of days.
Australian players usually have bad connection to all servers, not much server owners can do about it. Every server I go, it's usually the Australian players complaining. Most likely if it were to be moved somewhere near Australia, everyone in the United States and Europe would be getting s*!t ping. Now this will be a huge turn over and leading more U.S players to complain if it were to be moved somewhere near Austrlia.
As far as I know this is a problem with proxypipe, not MV. I know there has been several attacks recently that have affected several servers using this protection. I'm sure Crew has messaged 9gigs about it. They can only do so much. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
That's mainly Australian people. When it was day for me, nearly everyone had 5 bars. Now that is day for you, it is night for us. When you usually get on, people do not have decent ping, as most of them are Australian as well during that time.