Insufficient amount? Naw. The real problem is that you folks are clueless with all due respect. You can be dead starring at someone using a client and fly away to flirt or just stand there afk--like ben said. Mods should be able to know when someone is using hacks from a 3rd person point of view. As mods stand as of this point, you're useless. You guys rely on the forums yet you're server mods its not too damn hard to see someones head spin and /ban...why don't you do us all a favor and ban kids in the server instead of taking the time out of our days so that we could make a little report so that it could be more convenient for you. I bet the reason why when I search for a mod in the multiple game modes there is and you're afk , you're most likely on the forums.
I don't do my job? I don't know who you are nor have I ever seen you in game/on the forums, but telling mods that they don't do their job just because we're not on 24/7 is pure nonsense. You don't know what happens behind the scenes, you don't know what being mod means, and you should understand that there's MUCH more to being mod than just banning players in game (and yes. Proof is mandatory) If you see anyone breaking the rules, report them on the forums. I bet you could have done that and it would have taken you just about the time it took you to make this thread.
Really? You say that it's taking time out of your day to make a report, but it's not taking time out of our days to deal with reports? Reports are so that moderators can have proof to ban, if a moderator is online, we do ban them from what we see and record.
I can say the same for you, Ive never seen your name and you're a mod. How funny. "report them to the forums" Like i said--Do your job WITHIN the server and stop relying on the forums. Im done here, have a good day--useless.
It may be not simple to you, like i said--you guys are clueless. Come on what do we have to do around here to get some experienced mods as opposed to getting mods that are popular in the damn forums lmao.
Okay okay... I am at a 50/50.... So, the only servers mods usually go on is usually kitpvp. That is the only server I usually see them on. I rarely see them on factions, OpPvP, and prison. I never see them online on sky grid, skyblock, etc. But, mods do monitor the chat and give out warnings. A lot of the times mods go afk to go onto the forums... Mineverse isn't always about forums... Forums if to do reports, ban appeals, updates on the server, etc. I agree that Mineverse does in fact needs more mods. But they need to be spread out more and not be always on the forums or always be in-game. I'm not siding with anyone because, there are are both valid points...
they aint in pvp seeing if they hack ill put any money they don't know any proper commands expect ban and mute rofl
And also, it took like a week and a half to do 1 report... I made a report, and it took a week and a half for a mod to reply. This is nonsense... Mods sometimes so their jobs and sometimes they don't by going "afk" to check the forums or go do something IRL... A lot of the times going "afk" to check the forums for mods is, going to go make a joke on someone's profile, threads, etc. Forums is not always fun and games...