Been waiting a while to post this thread. Never felt the timing was appropriate. Though I'm slowly watching Survival turn into the game-mode we reset it for. A place where everyone is walking around with the best diamond armor. And new (creative) methods of duplicating starting to rise again. Let's discuss Titan rank issues first. Titan has become completely overpowered on Survival (and other game-modes). A single Titan rank is granted two sets of diamond armor. (/kit god and /kit titan). After several months any Titan-ranked player can give their friends a completely maxed-out diamond armor set. Though today -- wearing diamond armor has become common for most players. Furthermore, the commands granted for this rank are completely overpowered. The enchant command has been ruining Survival ever-since it was implemented into the game. Though I have previously thought of another solution to modify this command, it has come to my intention that this command should be removed. The (/)God command should be modified where it cannot be used (or abused) while you're in combat. Preventing players from toggling and healing themselves in combat multiple times. Now onto a minor issue. The auction-spawner plugin is happening on global servers. A player auctions any spawner, and the person eventually winning the auction is given a pig-spawner, rather than the originally auctioned spawner. It's becoming an annoying issue which annoys many players. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will be editing more later.
It's true, even me a titan does the /god thing. I would not want to do it but yeah.. It's what I have.. I don't actually care about armor. armor does not matter for me I only need building blocks and a couple of tools, I'll build anything for you
You have told me about /enchant, I'm really sorry. :P Now, I believe that /enchant should me taken out, /god should be modified and the spawner glitch would be nice to fix. ;) Full support.
/enchant is alright. /god should be modified. Come on. why Take it off? The challenge is to kill a titan or get the titan to enchant for you.
You don't know how many titans are nice like me <-- Not trying to show off or anything but I just get walked all over and I end up enchanting for everyone ;-;
Things that need to be fixed: /god - nerfed /enchant - nerfed Remove wither spawning (I apologize, as I am the one who basically told and started the wither spawning, however I only have spawned 5 withers, not a crazy amount like 25). Remove all beacons and nether stars. Enable ridden flying pets. Multiple lottery ticket purchases enabled. Add spawners to the shop. Add more items to the shop. An official pvp arena. Remove god apples. Create a longer combat tag/log. Fix safezoning, as you can easily run into claimed areas when you are fighting somebody. Optional Add beer (As supported by Ares_Xena himself).
Ares you were supposed to tag me :p I completely understand and support all the reasons you have given. You and I Skype a lot and when we are playing Survival, I notice that almost everything you have posted pisses you of putting you in a bad mood. I hate it when you are in a bad mood so I wish for these to be fixed. #BeerIsLife #Ares ~Diggy
-Pet riding is kinda my fault as my squid was faster thta cyps flying so he got pissed and said it shouldnt be allowed lol.
/God should stay for mods. I use it to record hackers an tp trappers and not get killed. It should be nerfed though. Its op. Support on these threads. I love survival but I find it too op.
I think /god should be disabled while you're in combat, and maybe create a pvp arena that /god is disabled too.
Had one, forgot it overnight... Editing this when I remember it. For now: Ability to see your warps. End reset. Nether reset. For all you survival players ... dat one chunk dou. (Ares we survived :D)
What if you could use 1 /enchant every 24 hours, and /god when you get out of combat? Because taking some of these commands away would make god and titan the same, and nobody would want that, now would we?
Since you can't claim in the nether/end, do you think that it should be reset periodically? Maybe just the end since it is so small?
B..But why remove the beacons? Yes I get it.. People like griefing with it but why not fix it so that the wither does not destroy anything, Beacons are pretty useful in mining so not all the time you will need to drink some potions, Plus beacons are cool.. Besides It's kinda stupid to spawn a wither untrapped thus, really no one does get the point of someone griefing :/ It just messes up peoples builds and then what? You get really happy? For what? Destroying Peoples Builds, But its really better to show off your building/structures instead showing off the other way around. This is just a reminder to people that greif for no particular reason...
You don't actually need to disable /enchant in combat... really :/ just disable doing /god, /spawn, /warp, /tpa (I think tpa is already already disabled when in combat)
I can work on the Offical pvp arena, but really, It's easy If anyone wants to do it before me, It's alright. you just need. A ton of Furnaces and signs. claim the sides. and then Your done, but the fact is, It's not actually the "Official arena" People can just make a lot of it so people can Pvp awesome and chill.
Plus, Guys your not getting the point of survival we should Survive not remove blocks disable commands and stuff I know survival is too OP but players worked hard for it, They don't dupe (Not saying we dont just that I know Ares found a new way but yeah almost no one knows it) .We only need more Moderators.