Greetings, I'm making a suggestion regarding Hacks on Kit PvP. For the most part, I've played here on Mineverse Kit PvP for about a week, and the atmosphere is great. Although there's only one thing I absolutely cannot tolerate, hacks and cheats. I understand the Hack Protection on Kit PvP servers here on Mineverse is already implemented. Although I haven't seen it work very well. More then 50% of the fights on Kit PvP that I engage in are with a Hacker or Cheater. I believe this needs to be improved. I think that there's some way we can ensure lesser Hackers and Cheaters on the Kit PvP servers. Whether it be more active Moderators hired, or a more advanced Hack Protection. Leave your ideas and support for this suggestion below. Thanks for reading! Practical
The anti-cheat system here is called NoCheatPlus I beleive, but it's not great. If you around 150-200ish ms and you do a tactic called "bow boosting", or jumping from a very high hill might give you a lag back because the system might think you're cheating. Promoting more mods does not mean that hackers will go away, but it will problably decrease. As for a system, let's be real here, every system, no matter how great it has flaws. I don't know
Certain hackers have a NoCheatBypass system in the hacks and they bypass the NoCheatPlus system for example I just upload a big hacker on Op PvP who was hacking with Anti kb,Kill aura,Aimbot and most likely regen I suppose the hackers on mineverse are real but it's really annoying how you can make a report but they don't get dealt with soon enough I reckon all hackers should have an ip ban because it'll make sure that they don't rejoin the server they hacked on with another account as I've seen it before happen.
I believe that the Moderators need to be more flexible with the Bans, IP bans for all hackers should be implemented if it already isn't a thing.
See I just find it strange that when on Kit PvP hackers roam free and are not punnished. Nor are the reports reviewed. It makes my PvP experience less pleasing.
I was banned on a server once for hacking. I appealed on their forums 5 months later and the first message put on my appeal after been banned for hacking 5 months ago and after them reviewing the footage on the report that banned me was a deny of the appeal. Although I strongly believe that people deserve a second chance, I really do believe that appeals need to be taken a lot more seriously. It was explained to me that I am able to purchase an unban, to prove that I am dedicated and obviously to make them some money. I'm not saying this should happen but I am saying that appeals need to be handled a lot more seriously. There should be more appeals getting denied then accepted. I have had people banned and seen then back out, free and hacking again the next day. It isn't fair.
I do not, I am not the expert when it comes to Software of that type. I was aiming more towards the punishment and monitoring systems. Although better hack protection software would be ideal, I have no knowledge of specific versions and such.
Just saying, IP bans aren't possible because the server is on a proxy, so if you ip ban someone, it will ban everyone ;) But I suggest just be patient with the moderators, they will do the job, Cyp will know when the time is right to promote more mods and you just have to report players like others do, you should be fine.
That's the issue, Moderators aren't very active on PvP servers as far as I've seen, and I'm on a lot.
I reported someone on Factions, they got banned, the next 4 hours they're unbanned. Moderators really need to step up on what they do.
Badlion has a pretty decent GCheat. Considering the fact that no one here PvP's like Stimpay, so you shouldn't really be banned for incorrect bans. Don't say otherwise.
Gcheat is well coded but isn't a very stable anticheat. Plus I don't think that would work well on this sever, considering the about of false bans that badlion has dealt with due to GCheat getting things wrong. It will automatically ban anything over a consistent 15 clicks per second, sometimes it doesn't even ban hackers unless they're using a click assist that the anticheat can detect. This server works alright with how it is. He only problem is the lack of mods on some servers, and it seems as though Cyp is helping to address that with closer promotions. If you have a problem with the amount of hackers, apply. For me, cheaters are what make mineverse, well, mineverse. Just stick to old-fashioned record n' report.