The problem isn't that we don't have enough guards, but that the current guards aren't online enough, in my time zone anyway. The most active guard I know is @PopIs_MyLife who in my timezone comes on once, in the 5-6 hours I play prison for, if at all (weekdays). Now because it's the weekdays and everyone's very busy I understand, but what I don't get is why guards are so inactive on the weekends, which I am on for almost the whole day, most weeks. It's uncalled for and there are no excuses. If mods can't be active, they simply don't deserve their position. Everyone uses contraband (including me) and even when guards do come on, they jail a few people and then leave. Most of these people don't even know what they're being jailed for and guards keep insisting "read the rules" but it just isn't happening and the culprits continue to break the rules. Perhaps when you join the server for the first time a gui, such as the ones on the minigame servers, to explain the rules to new members? What would also help is if the diamond swords were removed from vote parties. You tell new people to stop using diamond swords, but do you really think you're setting a good example by allowing them in vote parties? This needs to be sorted. /m ** also needs to be removed. People (not mentioning any names) have continuously been spamming msg with annoying and inappropriate content. Also, what the hell is wrong with the color codes? Both donors and non donors can, for some reason, use color codes in chat using various methods... What the heck is this about? I have no idea if Noob or Cyp have any control over this but auctions need to be optimised for mcmmo skills such as alchemy. For example I auction 5 haste potions for $1000. Instead of coming up as 'Haste potion,' it will come up as 'Thick potion,' leading people to believe that the item in question is indeed a 'Thick potion' and that you're 'trying' to scam them. This is really aggravating but again I don't know if the plugin needs updating and if anyone can do something about this. Now as most of you know once you achieve the rank of [Free-Man], you gain access to /warp freeman, and are allowed to access the free world, a factions-enabled and orientated world. This is supposed to be fun. Raiding however is almost impossible. It's impossible to blow up claimed land. It's impossible to overclaim land. It's also impossible to remove chest shop signs, which should only have been allowed inside the prison in the first place, without a head-guard and with Cyp refusing to promote a new one (could it be that Cyp doesn't trust the ability of his own mods) the future looks bleak for prison. The free world spawn is also griefed beyond repair with massive holes stretching down to bedrock. How do I know this? I've fell down, died and lost my stuff on numerous occasions. Most commands have been disabled in the nether so it is pointless to build a base there. Again, where's the fun? It needs to be reset. Everything has been griefed, blown up, taken. Spawners are gone, most of the nether mobs such as blaze and magma cubes, essential for mcmmo skills, are rarer than ever. There are portals leading to the 'flatlands' above the nether's bedrock layer and vice versa. It's all messed up. Please fix it. I would pay money to fix it. Suggestions: -Free world 1000 - -1000 reset -Auctions updated (if possible) -Chest shops removed from free world -Color codes completely removed or fixed -/m ** /w ** /t ** removed -Contraband removed from voter parties -Promote new guards/tell current ones to BE MORE ACTIVE -Make spamming an instant kick/no more warnings -Guides for new members -More cells (D block upper levels have been blocked off for months) -Plots only allowed to be rented for up to 1 month at a time The reason I decided not to post this in the suggestions section is because it isn't a suggestion; it's a place for prison members to discuss how they feel about prison. I know Noob and Cyp may not have the common decency to look at, let alone pay attention to this thread and that most of these suggestions will not be taken action on. If you've had the patience to read through this thread and completely disagree with what I've said then ask yourself, if none of this was true, how come I've been able to write this entire post about all the problems? Thanks for reading
Cyp already tried to remove /m ** but it didn't work. And theres no command in the nether because cyp doesn't want the non free-man to create a faction and make a base in the nether. But i agree with u for the rest.
@Noobcrew, as you can see prison needs to be fully sorted out, not reset but sorted out. There are so many issues in-game it's hard to believe it's a mineverse server. However, the majority of these issues will only take a few hours and some even less to fix. Please help, @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew ? Prison chatting time.
Reply to them in one post Many game modes need to be looked at and fixed, some more then others. I would think Cypriot would care about prison more because it is one of the most popular game modes here.