Your ingame name: ItsTweety The offender's ingame name: RealisticCombo_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming Evidence/screenshots.,Sb5w70P,Bcd4TQ3,EvlRVq4#0,Sb5w70P,Bcd4TQ3,EvlRVq4#1,Sb5w70P,Bcd4TQ3,EvlRVq4#2,Sb5w70P,Bcd4TQ3,EvlRVq4#3 You can see the enderpearls in my hotbar do not raise up... Obvious proof he scammed me.
The only thing that is making me not ban him is that you could've put the ender pearls in chest and leave it like before. I'm not saying you did that but it's just in my mind.
I never left the spot I where I was standing and you can see that. If I were to leave the chat would have already moved the payment up because the chat is constantly being used by other players.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.