When I used to play prison I would see the same person using contraband because no one could stop him, no Guard was on so it was practically legal. If you could go back to reporting them, and catching them over and over you'd get them caught to the point where they would eventually stop.
@ScoFu13 and @Viper why not have the players banned who broke the rules? As jail time is a minimal punishment for any rules broken in prison. The diversity in severity should determine what the punishment is for the culprit Although I see both sides to the arguement. And I understand why people don't want to have the option to report a player on prison, as it is part of the fun. But then again, in real life prison there are snitches that rat out the "bad boys" and have their sentence shortened for good behaviour. So maybe the reporter, if the report is valid, should get a reward of like $100, Nothing too desperate so people make a mass amount of false reports, but it still shows that the report is appreciated. (above) Is another aspect of prison, and if you are trying to simulate real prison life, that is something that is important in prison life. Although like in real prison life, the snitches usually get beat up or killed, so maybe the also get affected by potion of slowness and dizziness, or something like that.
support for all but the mine warps. Part of prison is the aspect that you may get killed and lose your stuff on the way to the mine or if your dumb running back to the shop with your inventory full of ores. With that aspect dodgeable we would lose all fears of being killed and the prison community would plummet.
I don't think there's any problems with plots since /as was added. Maybe you should edit that @Feurin ?
Supporting all of this except the plot reset. ;) Some people worked hard for the plots but maybe cyp or crew could make more.. ?
@CypriotMerks There are many plots with old signs, would it be possible for you to just break all these and clear the plots as most are inactive.
Lol, a lot of those are a lot of people's, this is the problem, the best thing I could see happening is Cypriot making a globally announced warning to clear your plots of items then reseting them all.
Huge support for the mine warps and the mcmmo super breaker problem and I would add a way to clear the plot you own if there is signshop chests on it.