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  • Hack Versus Glitch

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by BioNarix, Apr 6, 2014.

    1. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Hello! This has been bugging me for a while, because i’m a huge fan of this server and I hate that there are hackers going around, but the help of our amazing mods are helping lowering the count! What does bug me a bit, is the amount of people who are reporting glitches and calling them hacks, mostly related to the game mode Infection because that is where most people can find me on this server other than the forums. The videos I have attached are videos I found on youtube and Do Not apply to this server. Thank you niteshead for helping me fix my terminology!

      Not Everything is a Hack!

      Now, you might be wondering how to tell the difference between the two, but at first, we have to cover what they are, since most people don’t seem to know.

      A hack is a client, also called a hacked client, that is designed to give people an advantage in a game over others. Examples of these programs are Huzuni, Weepcraft, and Nodus. They have various modes such as glide, antikb, aimbot, and many others which I don’t have time to name.

      A Render Lag is what causes another player to appear like they are 'floating'. This happens a ton on the infection server, but i'm not sure if this happens a ton anywhere else on the server.

      How I tell the difference is very simple. On their screen, they will follow the map patterns from the spawn point, and they will do so also on your screen, from a different location. Look for movement that will key into where they might be placed on the map. (Ex: Desert: Look to see if the player is jumping up the stairs or climbing the ladder) Glide allows people to fall at a slower rate. They still fall! If someone is floating around in the air, and there is no descent of their character that could be contributed with a feature that is in the map or another player, that is a glitch. The screenshot I have attached is a picture of a common render lag in infection.

      Anti-KB or Anti-knock back should be an easy one to spot. In game, the player when hit will always be hit backwards be it with a sword, arrow, axe, or piece of meat. Anti-KB doesn’t allow a person to be hit backwards, it allows them to stay in place or move forward towards the opposing player, without being jerked around. Ksrit brought to my attention that a knockback stick on op pvp doesn't always knockback the opponend due to some lag. Please keep that in consideration

      Aim-bot turns the person with the hacks to any player who get's into their radius of reach, like a lock on function. This will keep the player focused on the player so their hits will land with more accuracy. The video I placed was from a person who made their own bow aimbot, but I still hope it helps get the basic Idea.

      Kill Aura lets a player hit everyone that gets in their area of reach. This even hits people at the same time, and hits other people when they aren't even looking at them, or if they are doing a completely different thing. (ie, eating a golden apple or throwing an enderpearl in PVP)

      Free Cam is where a person is able to disconnect from their 'avatar' ingame and not be able to get hit in any way. On the infection map Nether, hackers with access to freecam can enter the buttonless house with out the need of a redstone torch. This is a hacker's point of veiw of freecamming.

      If you have any questions, or have any hack that I might have missed to explain, please tell me! I want to help as many people as I can with this. Here is a video that a Youtuber got that shows a player with multiple different hacks, and he explains it pretty well, so It's definately a video to check out if you need extra help understanding

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      Last edited: Apr 7, 2014
    2. ksrit

      ksrit Active Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Um... There's a glitch on mineverse where the people won't get knocked back with a knockback stick on op pvp. When you hit them it looks like they have Anti-knockback but on their screen, it is lagging back for them.
    3. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Ahh thank you for telling me! I would have never known about this since I don't play on op pvp. Would it be ok if I added this to the post?
    4. ksrit

      ksrit Active Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      If you want you can add it.
    5. pokemaniac01

      pokemaniac01 Guest

      Awesome guide! Thanks for making this! ;)
    6. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Thank you! I'm almost possitive I missed stuff, but I learned from what I see and from playing with hackers most of my time on minecraft. Do you know if freecamming is still around?
    7. pokemaniac01

      pokemaniac01 Guest

      Freecamming? Not sure I've heard of it... :/
      As for the guide, I think it is really well done. If you have missed some things, you can always add them later! :)
    8. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      I'm not being rude but alot in this is wrong. My suggestion for making a guide to seeing hacks is actually hacking yourself. Just do It offline on aingleplayer. That's what i did and that's how Ik that your description for aimbot is wrong. Aim bot moves the camera to look at the nearest entity or player to the hacker. You don't hit harder you just actually hiit them instead of missing half the time.
    9. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      and freecamming will be around always. It disconnects the players camera from the entity you see ingame. Basically when toggled the hackers client stops sending movement commands to the server while allowing the hacker to fly around the already loaded chunks without being attacked
      Last edited: Apr 7, 2014
    10. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      You spelt 'a lot' wrong.
      It's my guide of seeing hacks with out actually having to hack, because I don't want to reduce myself, or want other people to that level where they feel the need to cheat in order to win instead of learning and growing as a player. Would I tell anyone to hack in order to learn how to? No, and that's not what I want other people to learn from this. The only one you actually said was wrong was aimbot. And I'm pretty sure most of this is around 90% correct because I learned most of this information when I was surrounded by players and friends who had Nodus and other hacked clients and they would tell me all about different modes on them. The point of this is to keep people from reporting glitches and only report people who clearly have hacks, not tell people to download hacks to learn the gist of what they do, because if people download the hacks, they might never uninstall them which might cause a problem.
      I am aware of what freecamming does. I never saw in mineverse before so I wans't aware if it wasn't enabled in any hacked clients that are more current today, because I refuse to ever actually download them on my computer.
      I refuse to become what I hate.
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    11. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      I did say offline and only so you could understand them.
      Your definition for a glitch is wrong. What you have defined as a glitch is actually know in the computer gaming world as LAG, or in this case minecraft render lag. A glitch is doing something similar to block glitching. Where you shouldn't be able to do it but due to the physics of the players client conflicting with the plugins tying to stop them, sometimes the client wins the conflict and you can do it.
      I was only explaining to @pokemaniac01 what freecamming is bc he said he didnt know.

      I was only trying to help you out so myb you could edit nd help others in turn.
    12. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Saying that 'everything' was wrong and you only pointing out 2 out of the several I posted does not help me understand how every little thing is wrong.
      If I wanted to appear some where else on another person's screen, is easy to do, much like block glitching is, and it's not a much of a problem of what lag is, which is why I definded it as a glitch. It's not really lag since everything the player does is happening live, there is no delay. Their plane of game is shifted from what the veiwer sees. Most people on the server define lag as when the game starts to freeze up or frame rate drops. Then there are weird moments where everything just stops but chat works (infection fun times)

      Then again, I'm not big on technology.

      I would like to know what exactly aimbot is since now I look at videos, I might have mixed it up with kill aura a tad.
      I would also like to know if there is anything on the clients that I might have missed. I know I missed spider, but is there anything else?
    13. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      There are many different forms of lag. The one you defined is render lag, where ou see someone floating but on their screen their on the ground. The lag your refering to in your last post is FPS lag, where your frames per second drop so low that your screen starts skipping or even freezing. The lag where everyone stops moving while chat goes on is probably server lag or myb plugin lag. I really don't know how to describe that so i'm not gonna try lol
    14. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Aimbot is better described as a camera lock-on, when a player comes within your hit sphere (your reach) your camera will automatically "lock-on" to the target nd will follow the target as long as they stay near. With this on, you could stand still, not move the mouse, and just click to hit them because your camera is already looking at them constantly without fail.
    15. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      A lot of timesAimbot and Killaura are confused so dont worry if you do because at some point every minecraft player does.
    16. BioNarix

      BioNarix Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      I think I get it now thank you for clearing everything up for me!
      What does bow aimbot do? Or is it pretty much like aimbot but for bows?
    17. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      yea pretty much
    18. Puri~

      Puri~ Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Frecamming is still a thing. It can be used to hit buttons without being at the button. For example, The button in Nether where it is in the inside. A freecammer can use his hacks to hit the button and quickly switch back to gain access without the torch needed. Btw awesome guide!
    19. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      no when toggled the freecammer cannot interact with anything. If you break a block the block it is still there but u cant see it and the client thinks its not there but it is very much there u just glitch thru it and can get stuck.
    20. Puri~

      Puri~ Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Ive seen it done before. They can interact with buttons and doors and other things. If they try to break blocks it wouldn't be there on your screen as you stated but to others it will still appear normally.

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