I recently found out, with some research, that the two trophies Don't Judge Me! and 4000+ Positive Ratings! are mixed up. This is what it says in the Trophies / Custom Titles thread: Trophy: Don't Judge Me! Trophy Points: 10 Description: Received 1000 total post ratings. Trophy: 4000+ Positive Ratings! Trophy Points: 10 Description: When in actuality they are switched around. You receive Don`t Judge Me! when you reach 1000 positives. And you receive 4000+ Positive Ratings! when you reach 4000 total post ratings. Evidence! I have over 1000 total post ratings(But not 1000 positive ratings), and have had it for a couple days BUT I have not received the trophy yet. @DrSnuggles__ has received the trophy 4000+ Positive Ratings! but does not has 4000+ positive ratings. I, and I'm sure many others, would like this to be fixed so that the requirements that are mention in the Trophies / Custom Titles thread are changed to match the trophy or that the trophies are changed to match the requirements. Although I think the first one would be easier. Thank you for your time.
Why is everyone concerned with the trophies lately? There is no rush to become the best member, the forums aren't going anywhere.
I`m not concerned with receiving a trophy. What I`m trying to explain is what CypriotMerks posted is incorrect, and needs to be fixed by someone so that people know the truth. (I know, sounds kinda cheesy :P)
Yo, I got 4000 ratings, and I decided to partially clear my profile which did remove some likes from my statuses.
Well... :/ You are the only person on mineverse who has over 4k total ratings but has less then 4k positive ratings. So if what you say is true I guess we can`t really tell if the one trophy is broken. But the other one is defiantly broken.