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  • *[Skywars]*ItzOlc's Moderator Application[GER]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Olivxr, Jun 2, 2015.


    Should I become a mod?

    1. Yes.

      10 vote(s)
    2. Well, idk yet.

      5 vote(s)
    3. No. You're too inexperienced.

      7 vote(s)
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    1. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest


      Hello dear Mineverse staff,
      I am ItzOlc aka ItzOlcahol
      In fact I'm really excited, so don't waste much time!

      How old am I?

      I am currently 14 years old.

      What’s my in-game-name?

      My in-game-name is ItzOlcahol.
      I'm not about to change it soon. If I'll change it, it will be replaced immediately on my application too.

      What time zone am I in?

      CET(+2:00) is my time zone, because I live in Germany. I think you don't have many European moderators, so I could 'guard' the other side of the world. :3

      What country do I live in?

      As I already said I live in Germany, and I really like it to live here.

      What languages do I speak?

      At all because I'm a German person, I can speak German fluently but I shouldn't become a mod if I couldn't speak English. My English may not beerror-free, but I do understand it very well. After all, here you see my English knowledge. I speak Hungarian fluently too, but it is not very important here

      Why do I think I should become a mod?

      This is probably going to be the biggest part on my moderator application.

      Living in a completely other time zone than all the others can be a disadvantage, but sometimes it helps too. I realized, there are too few moderators online at my time. It may be, that Mineverse hasn't that much visitors at night (for USA and Canada), but it always needs a 'guardian'. The other reason is:

      Mineverse itself. I LOVE your server! It is nearly the only server I play on. I have like 10 Minecraft servers, but this one and a friend's server (I actually didn't want to advertise) are the only servers I play on. It may be that I don't have as much Trophy Points as other Members on here, because I didn't know I will apply mod one day. I really want to help keeping tranquillity on the server.

      Tags For Being A Mod


      I love helping. We all know that ling-more-developed countries aren't well equipped to keep all the people safe and they can't guarantee help. That's why I sent a donation (including 100€) to African countries, through UNICEF. When I first saw the server (which was the first server I actually connected to) I found it less taken care than today... Now I know Noobcrew and Cypriot need help to take care of it. Why not me? Why shouldn't I try to become Mod?


      I am really famous on 'your' Skywars server, because I am (at least trying) to be friendly there. My friend amount on /friends is already full, and I have still tons of other friends who know me, but I can't add them... I am friendly to all people, I try to help everybody who asks, or is in trouble. I have plenty of friends outta Minecraft too, which should mean, I am friendly.


      My time-zone is really useful for Skywars, because there is almost no moderator online. I can guard Skywars at 'night', and fulfill active countries like USA, Canada and Australia. I recognized, this could be the 'code' why I should become a Mod.


      I know really much how much responsibility a mod carries... Kick, mute or even ban players from a server who break a rules. It's incredibly hard to help, or take care on a server of this scale. This server is wonderful, it almost works itself, but its not enough. That's why the 'crew' of Mineverse needs to help the server. My reason is easy, I just want to join you guys, to help you to carry these responsibilities.


      All time I may be online on a day (yes it's limited), I devote this server. Every time I play Minecraft I am always on Mineverse. Every time I just turn on my computer, Minecraft is always open (with Mineverse of course ;D).

      Well informed about Hacks and Cheats

      I am really good informed about hacks and Cheats. It is, because I tried several hacked clients. I'm not using them since like a year, but I still know how they work (I mean detecting Anti-Knockback isn't hard to realize).

      I am experienced with hacks and cheats. They are annoying, not even useful and unfair. I want to prevent people from hackers, and I keep fair play among our visitors.


      I'm not somebody who helps a few players more because they have a cooler skin. No. I am a really neutral person, trying to help different people as much as I can, and as equal as it works.

      Not Abusive

      If somebody starts swearing to somebody it is totally normal if you abuse back. But as mod u have easier techniques...(/mute) I never abuse people anyways, In my opinion it's not worth at all.

      People are writing more clever. The server itself doesn't recognize, e.g. Fu ck, as swearword. Well a human does. And this is another tag why we need mods on servers. Skywars just has a few mods... It would be nice if another one could join them to help.


      I am well-known for fast decisions, smart working methods and good results. If there's a problem, I handle it fastly. It is not really hard to find good ways to resolve a problem, depends how difficult the situation is.


      Being mature is, actually all of these tags I listed up there, together. If you're mature, you shouldn't be abusing, should be responsible and the most important, BE HELPFUL(in my opinion ). It isn't worth to be a mod if you don't help people if they're in 'trouble’, or if you don't help the 'MV crew' to make their jobs on Mineverse easier.

      How long can I be active on the server everyday?

      I already explained my schedule is incredibly full on weekdays...

      Well take a look:

      Monday: 1-2 hours (There's not going on much anyways .-.)
      Tuesday: 3-4 hours
      Wednesday: 3-4 hours
      Thursday: 3-4 hours
      Friday: 3-5 hours
      Saturday: 5-6 hours
      Sunday: 5-6 hours

      How long have I been playing Mineverse?

      I play on Mineverse since more than 1.5 years... I think I started exactly in September 2013.
      And it's still not boring.
      Mineverse was the first server I ever joined on Minecraft. We could say, I don't look very experienced, because I don't have many trophy points, but I am really, really experienced ON the server.

      Have I ever been banned in the past?

      No, nobody banned me on Mineverse before.

      Do I have any past experience as a moderator?

      I am a moderator on a friend's server, and I'm helping him taking care. But that server is not that big...
      After all, you need to start somewhere right? I don't have any experience as MOD. But I am, as I already said, incredibly experienced on Skywars itself.

      Which two servers would I like to moderate?

      I don't want to pick two servers... One is enough for me. I'll pick
      I pick Skywars, because I realized there are too few mods online in meantime. Skywars is overloaded with hackers and griefers.
      Well, you did it! You just read my application (hopefully the whole).
      At last I want to say how much I love this server. The best, and last thing you can give me, is to promote me as moderator.
      Thank you for reading my application.

      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2015
    2. TheMiner2020

      TheMiner2020 Experienced Member

      May 22, 2014
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      No Support.

      You have 2 threads open currently, make sure to close the other first ;)
      Fix grammatical errors.
      Looking at your old mod app, I don't think you are experienced enough.

      And as others such as @Diggy have said, you have said mean things, this is not a good mod quality.

      Overall I don't think you are ready for mod, even if you are 14.

      Also, you realize you could've edited your old app instead of creating a new one?
      Just click edit on the bottom of the actual app part ;)
    3. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Well, thank you for your suggestions.
      1st of all, I know I can edit it. It just didn't let me to do. It said it is too long, I couldn't add or change things on it... It had more than 10000 objects(thats the naximum).
      2nd: I tried to close it. I told it for like 7 mods... Noone came.
      3rd I'm sorry, but it's really hard for me, to write correctly... Everything. A lil bit respect please.:(
    4. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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    5. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Oh my god thank you :)
    6. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

    7. Lego_batman_1

      Lego_batman_1 Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Your mod page app thing is way to long.
    8. Lego_batman_1

      Lego_batman_1 Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Wow you got back to me very quick .
    9. Lego_batman_1

      Lego_batman_1 Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Hmm meh. Ok I support. 1+
    10. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Oh well thanx. I'm sorry x'D
    11. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. Not active enough on the forums
    12. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      I am sorry but I am really active on the forums... You probably just looked up how much Trophy Points I have.
      I can't devote all my time the forums... :(
    13. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No, I looked at the amount of messages you have :/
    14. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      I dun wanna argue, but nearly 50 of them were posted in the last 4 days xD
    15. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      So you've only been active on the forums in the "last 4 days"
    16. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      I'm much more active now... Because I want to earn Trophy Points. I was less active before... If you have any other questions to me, just start a conversation. :3 This is wasting space....
    17. Ponyknight99

      Ponyknight99 Experienced Member

      Feb 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I do support. I hope you get it because you seem ready. Activity on forums isn't everything.
    18. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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    19. BillCipher

      BillCipher Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      i would give you 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% support but i am only aloud to give 100% :(
    20. Ponyknight99

      Ponyknight99 Experienced Member

      Feb 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I will bump your app for you because I'm a nice person. :3
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