Hello!, I Am Thinking About Selling Premium, An Upgrade To Sponsor, Or Something From The Items Category, For In Game Money/Items. This Is Mainly Directed To Non-Donors, But Others Can Join. Use The Format Listed Below: IGN: What You Want: Why You Want It: What Items/$$$ Can You Offer Me: Current Rank: Play Time: Extra: Notice: If I Don't Like Any Of The Offers, Than I Will Cancel The Sell -Dwarfs
IGN: jedijosiah What You Want: 5 dollar donor package on .org as it isn't illegal as its Cyp's and Noobs server Why You Want It: Would really help me progress on org and make life alot easier What Items/$$$ Can You Offer Me:I can offer $359136 and 20 diamond blocks on prison, and $145680 on oprison. Current Rank: Sponsor Play Time: relaxed Extra: edited to prove i have the items http://imgur.com/ODBpyHY,jr0mx9Y
IGN: iUrban What You Want: I'll inbox you Why You Want It: What Items/$$$ Can You Offer Me: I have a lot of items, you can have anything you want. Current Rank: Default Play Time: 2 years Extra: ???
IGN: _BubbleGumChewer What You Want: Upgrade to Sponsor Why You Want It: So I can get more pets What Items/$$$ Can You Offer Me: My Titan friend can give you like 4-5k skybucks Current Rank: Premium Play Time: 1-2 hours Extra: Nothing extra
IGN: rpcraig What You Want: Any donor rank :3 Why You Want It: Well I don't have any donor rank and it would be nice to even have the most basic one. I would also be willing to give away my kits sometimes to other non-donors. What Items/$$$ Can You Offer Me: All the goodies in OP Prison or some of my Gold and stuff in BedWars Current Rank: MVP (Top Voter of September) Play Time: 6 months Extra: Extra
Why I Want It: I Lost My Elite Rank Due To A Incident With A Purchase For My Brother And Now I Am Short For VIP So I Was Hoping To Put It Towards That. What I Want: Momey Towards A VIP Rankup. What Will I Offer You: All The Goodies You Want On OP Prison, Prison and HellBlock. Also Some Good Considerations For You Donating That.
Ign: mrhackman999 Why I want it: because my birthday is tomorrow and I've been hoping to improve on being op on kitpvp and being a donor would help. Why I want the money: to upgrade to sponsor. What I will offer u: just tell me what u want and if it is an ok offer I'll do it thanks!