Your ingame name: dragonz195 The offender's ingame name: marcushamburger A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The rule they broke is in the rules under Server Rules:Global Server Rules: Bullet 5: Do not scam anyone under any circumstances. Evidence/screenshots. I have quite a few raw screenshots and narrowed it down to just our conversation. If you would like to see the full screenshots I can send them to you: Conversation: After this he went afk for about 5 minutes. He came back and started telling me how long it takes to receive ranks. This conversation didn't last very long but he ended up leaving with this message: I found him on about an hour and a half later and I asked him why I didn't receive my rank. He then said that he didn't know anything about this. He also said I was blackmailing him and he was going to get me banned. A this current time marcushamburger did not give me back my money or armor. I have yet to receive my rank that he supposedly bought me. Something that you might also want to take note of is that he said he was going to buy a rank for himself as well and when I was on he was still Sponsor. Thank you for taking the time to look at my report.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.