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  • OP Prison In-depth guide

    Discussion in 'Help' started by Naturalality, Feb 12, 2015.

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    1. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Brief introduction

      As requested by many people I have taken it upon myself to make a very detailed OP Prison guide. If you do not yet know what OP Prison is. I will do quite a good job at explaining it to you. In short, its what the name suggests. OP (Over-powered) prison. You will start out at rank A and you mine until you achieve your desired rank (in this case, your desired rank is Z and in a few days or weeks, Ares.) Ranking up will be the 1st priority. At each rank, there are mines that consist of ores and valuable blocks (diamonds, iron, gold etc.) after mining a good amount of those, you go back and sell the blocks to a sign. Using the money, you rank up to a higher rank. This process is repeated until as stated above, you achieve your desired rank. One thing about OP Prison is that there's a variety of upgrades along the way that can help you earn money faster. One of which is pickaxes. The better your pickaxe, the less blocks you will have to mine to achieve your full inventory. Thus, allowing you to earn money with more efficiency. Without further ado, the guide begins.
      There are a grand total of 24 different original OP pickaxes in the game. Each of which have different fortune enchants which basically controls how many items you get per block mined. To find how many items you will receive per block, there is a formula that you can use. The formula is as follows: 1+ x/10 if x is greater or equal to 10, if x is not divisible by 10, replace last digit with "00" where "x" is the fortune enchantment level on the pickaxe. Quite simple isn't it? If you find it easy to understand, move on. If not, I will quickly walk you through the formula. Let's say you have a pickaxe with enchantment 100. One hundred divided by 10 is equal to 10 so your pickaxe will give 1+10 or 11 items per block mined. Now, the last part is where it gets tricky. Two of the original OP pickaxes have the last part applied to them. Those would be old alpha and old lycaon. Now, let's take old alpha for example. Old alpha has an enchantment of 135. Because of this, the fortune is not divisible by 10 so the mine will replace the last digit, in this case, 5 with "00". This is simply a huge exploit that deals with how the mine works. The mine makes the old alpha fortune enchant a whopping 1300. Now, if you plug it into the formula, you'll get 131 items per block. Each pickaxe has its own data tag or ID. Below is a list of the pickaxe name, enchants and the ID.

      Note: The pickaxe contains 3 enchantments: unbreaking, efficiency and the fortune. All of which are the same level unless enchanted otherwise.

      "New" pickaxes
      Starter: 30 enchants, ID: 278#t
      Premium: 50 enchants, ID: 278#H
      Sponsor: 80 enchants, ID: 278#1e
      VIP: 100 enchants, ID: 278#h
      Chaser: 100 enchants, ID: 278#u
      MVP: 150 enchants, ID: 278#15
      Alpha: 150 enchants, ID: 278#2H
      Elite: 200 enchants, ID: 278#13
      Omega: 200 enchants, ID: 278#2G
      Supreme: 250 enchants, ID: 278#3p
      Supreme: 250 enchants, ID: 278#O
      God: 300 enchants, ID: 278#r
      Lycaon: 300 enchants, ID: 278#2N
      Legend: 300 enchants, ID: 278#7r
      Berserker: 350 enchants, ID: 278#2Y
      Titan: 500 enchants, ID: 278#p
      Tyrant: 500 enchants, ID: 278#s
      Ultra: 500 enchants, ID: 278#1G

      Note: Donor kit pickaxes are bold.

      "Old" pickaxes
      Starter (Pink name instead of a purple one): 30 enchants, ID: 278#k4
      Alpha: 135 enchants, ID: 278#Z
      Omega: 150 enchants, ID: 278#J
      Unbolded omega (Name of the pickaxe is not bolded): 150 enchants, ID:278#e
      Lycaon: 275 enchants, ID: 278#1p
      Berserker: 300 enchants, ID: 278#K
      Tyrant: 750 enchants, ID: 278#I
      Now that's over with, we can move on to how to obtain these pickaxes. The starter pickaxe is given to you at the start of the game and you can get more of them simply by typing /kit starter. All the pickaxes in bold print listed above are obtained from donor kits. The ones aren't in bold can be obtained from vote parties and voter crates. Trading is the only way to obtain the "old" pickaxes and can be used to obtain all pickaxes. You can also win any pickaxes at auction.

      E-tokens or otherwise called "enchantment-tokens" are used to enchant your pickaxes (Wow! Such a surprise there!). These are obtainable from vote parties (in amounts of 10), voting (every vote is 2), trading (amount varies) and winning auctions (again, amount varies). They can be used at the at /warp crates and to the left of where you are teleported. There are 3 signs that you can enchant with. An extra level of unbreaking costs 1 e-token, an extra level of efficiency costs 2 e-tokens and an extra level of explosive costs 5 e-tokens. Though removed, there used to be a sign where you could add an extra level of fortune for 3 e-tokens. It was removed because of exploits and if you've been following along, you can probably see why.


      Mining is the main way to earn money, whether you like it or not. To go to your mine, all you have to do is type /warp <Your current rank>. If you are having issues with this after ranking-up, re-log in and it should fix it. After doing so, you walk forward, mine some blocks and go back. The sell sign is located behind of the initial warp (where you are teleported when you type /warp <rank>. After doing this for multiple times (depending upon your rank), you will be able to rank-up. To do so, type /rankup and you should be good to go. Sell multipliers are obtained by purchasing donor ranks at shop.mineverse.com, in doing so, you will not only benefit yourself but you're also supporting the server at the same time. Below are the ranks and the multiplier they have.

      Non-donor- 1.0 sell multiplier (100%)
      Premium- 1.2 sell multiplier (120%)
      Sponsor- 1.2 sell multiplier (120%)
      VIP- 1.4 sell multiplier (140%)
      MVP- 1.4 sell multiplier (140%)
      Elite- 1.6 sell multiplier (160%)
      Supreme- 1.8 sell multiplier (180%)
      God- 2.0 sell multiplier (200%)
      Titan- 2.0 sell multiplier (200%)

      Now, we can discuss some techniques used in mining. Below are 4 ways that I like the classify mining in. The types are random mining, stack mining, back mining and select mining/snipe mining. Each of which will include a brief descriptions and so pros and cons. Let's start out with random mining.

      Random mining- This is virtually when you dig into the mine just like that. You don't give a crap about what you mine and you just sell after you have a full inventory. This is highly efficient in money, though it takes a lot more work than most of the other ways. I would use random mining if you do not have /back and you're ranks A-P. This is best with a moderate pickaxe such as any of the 500 enchanted pickaxes or old alpha. It is best to mine in diagonal strips this way.

      Stack mining- This is basically mining in vertical strips or what I call "stacks". This method of mining is best if you have a very bad pickaxe. Though not efficient, it makes up for it as it surpasses all other ways (if you have a bad pickaxe) due to how fast you mine down. This type of mining is extremely useful if you're mining at ranks J-M I'd suggest to quit this type starting at rank P and switch to random mining.

      Back mining- This method uses the command "/back". Which is only available to ranks sponsor and up. By far the best way to mine throughout all mines, I suggest this to anyone able to do it. This way beats random mining in the speed in which you get inventories and brings in a lot of money. This is best with a decent pickaxe (most likely old alpha or better). Mines with diamond blocks or emerald blocks (Q-Z) are best with this. This is quite a bit hard to start off. First, you type in /warp <Rank> and then repeat. Walk up to the mine and start breaking blocks. Get a full inventory and type /back. From there, all you do is type /back, mine and repeat.

      Select/Snipe mining- This is basically going for a set or specific block or ore. I only suggest you use this strategy for ranks Q-V. You have to have a pretty good computer for this to be efficient in money. As going for certain blocks, take a lot more time. As you can probably tell, you sacrifice speed efficiency for raw efficiency. Since you're going for a specific block (presumably more valuable ones), you'll get a lot more money per inventory. A decent pickaxe is best for this type of mining (old alpha or better).

      Note: These are unofficial terms for mining and people may call the same thing differently. These are just names that I thought fit each way best.

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      Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    2. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      There's some more things you should probably know about mining, just some simple tips to make your life a bit easier. Kind of like life hacks for say. Ranks J-O will be quite boring but bare with it, after you get to P and reach Q, it gets a lot better. Also, do NOT mine at the N or O mine. They have a lesser payout than M so you should mine there until you reach rank P. The good mines start at rank Q and you get up to 1 billion an inventory. Lastly, this question has been asked a lot so I'll simply give you the answer. Diamond blocks start at P and emerald blocks start at V.

      Plots and shops

      Plots are available starting at rank G. To get a plot, do /warp plots and /plotme auto. You will start out with a blank plot filled with dirt. You can teleport away at any time and to /p h to return back to your plot. If you head right of where your plot home is, you will find a sign with your username and the plot coordinates of the plot. This is a great place to set up your shop and a much better place to free-build. If you don't like your plot, then you can do /plotme dispose to un-claim your plot or /plotme clear to start fresh.

      They are also the perfect place to put your shop. Shops can be used to buy or sell items. Some items have special data tags that you need to put for the item to buy or sell correctly. To make a shop, you simply have to follow these steps:

      a) Gather your materials. (1 sign, 1 chest or trapped chest and 1 plot)
      b) Place down your chest
      c) Place down your sign on or on an adjacent block to the chest. (not diagonally)
      d) Type on the sign in this format:

      Line 1: Leave this line blank.
      Line 2: The amount you would like to sell or buy. Note: (If you are trying to buy items, then you can put any amount. Even if the player does not have that many items in their inventory, it will still give them the price per item)
      Line 3: The price you're paying per item or the price of the item that you are selling. To do this, you type in B<Price of the item> if you want to sell items. This to the consumer is "Buy this item for the price of <Price>". You can also do S<Price of the item> if you would like to buy items. This will appear to the consumer as: "Sell these items to me for the price of <Price>". It may be a bit confusing but just step into the shoes of a consumer and it should all be better.
      Line 4: You can either a) Type in the item ID of the item that you would like to buy or sell (Like this: <Item ID> i.e. Diamond pickaxe=278). This is best because some item names are long and will not fit in the limited amount of space of the sign. If you are selling an enchanted or named item, the item will have its own data tag. You can find this data tag by holding the item in your hand and typing /iteminfo. If you are entering an item with a data tag such as an OP pickaxe, you enter it like so: <Item ID>#Data tag (1-2 characters). b) Enter the name of the selected item (and the data tag). It will be formatted like so: <Item name> i.e. Diamond Sword#<Data tag>. Note: You do not have to include the pound symbol (more notably called the "hashtag" symbol if your item does not have a data tag.

      Extra stuff about plots

      You can also use plots for storage, all you have to do is place a few chests and put all your stuff in them. You can change your plot's biome using /p biome <biome name>, if you do not like your plot, you can do /p clear to reset it without unclaiming it and if you'd like someone else to help you with your plot, do /p add <Playername>. Please only add people that you trust as griefing is possible. If you would no longer like that player to help you, do /p remove <Player>. That's pretty much it. Let your imagination take place on your plot!


      PvP (short for player versus player combat) is probably the most popular thing to do besides mining and building on your plot. There are 3 ways you can access PvP. You can either do /warp woodmine, /warp pvp or /warp g. The woodmine and pvp are both the same arena while the /warp g PvP arena is entirely different. All you need for PvP is some food, golden apples, armor and a sword. Unlike pickaxes, armor and swords can only be obtained from kits and buying them off of other players. Each rank has its own armor and sword and depending on the rank, the better they are. In addition to this, you have a slight chance of coming out of the battlefield with a trophy of a head of the person that you killed. If this happens, you will get a message of:
      "<Dead person's name> has been beheaded by "Your name>"

      I won't go too in-depth but there's a red line of wool that separated the PvP area from the safe area. You cannot hit people in places behind the red wool, only beyond it. You have a chance to get a head and when you kill someone, your power level will increase. You will also get everything in the player you killed inventory upon them dying.

      Useful commands

      These are essentially commands that I have not discussed throughout the rest of the guide. They are quite useful due to them being a large part of the game.

      /back- Can greatly help when mining. Sends you back to where you last teleported. Sponsor rank and higher.
      /help- Look at other useful commands and their uses.
      /kit (kit name)- Gives you a specific kit.
      /pay (player) (amount)- Give money to another player.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] auto- If you're too lazy to walk to an empty plot, this command teleports you to, and claims an empty plot.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] claim- Claims the plot you are currently standing on if it is unclaimed.
      /motd- Shows you the message of the day.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] clear- Clears your ENTIRE plot, resetting it to a flat grass terrain.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] deny (username)- Prevents the user listed from entering your plot.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] deny *- Prevents everyone besides you from entering your plot.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] undeny (username)- Allows the username to enter the plot again if previously denied.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] add (username)- Allows the user listed to make modifications to the plot including breaking and destroying blocks. Does not allow the user to make changes to the plot using commands (i.e. /plot clear).
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] remove (username)- Removes the user's permission to make modifications to the plot if previously added.
      [/plotme|/plot|/p] info- Gives you basic info on the plot you are standing on including coordinates and owner.
      /warp (warp name)- Warps you to a specific location where someone set a warp.


      I honestly hope you learned more about the game mode from this guide and if you haven't already tried it out, go do so. At the time of me typing this, I no longer play Minecraft so neither Mineverse and do not know if the system has changed at all. If the system indeed did change, then feel free to post what changed and I will review and update this guide.
      Tl;dr- Mine stuff, sell stuff, make billions of dollars.​
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      Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
    3. Dontchallengeme

      Dontchallengeme Experienced Member

      Mar 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Great job. - Very detailed :)

      support... jk :p
    4. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Huge update. As always it's a work-in-progress. Please comment any errors or suggestions. I'd gladly take feedback.
    5. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2013
      Likes Received:
      good job
      much detail
      very wow
    6. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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    7. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      For E-Tokens that we have now, is it worth it to keep it until we get explosion enchants or just sell each one for 5 bill? Im at N now but I'm mining at M, of course, but I just want to know that to understand more about the explosion enchants available at /warp crates . Also, what do the explosion enchants do? Do they help you mine or is it just for aesthetic and 'coolness' so to say? Thanks
    8. ZeldaNinja

      ZeldaNinja Boss Member

      Dec 6, 2014
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      Good job yo (GG)!, add in new picks like the 501, explosive, ledgend, etc :P
    9. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      The possibilities are endless with enchantable pickaxes. I added all original pixkaxes. 501 pickaxes are altered tyrant, titan and ultra pickaxes.

      Essentially, it's up to you. I don't recommend explosive until you can reach level 20 with it. Anything below level 20, it will usually just mine random ores you don't need.
    10. Dontchallengeme

      Dontchallengeme Experienced Member

      Mar 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      They added the new colored names, and "Power Levels"
      Explain the power levels?
      Colored names represent Donor ranks (Gods - Blue , Titans - Green) etc.
    11. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      All right thanks! I guess ill just sell each for 5 bill at one of my friends' plots :P Ty
    12. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Done with plots section, I'm now working on the PvP section.
    13. MCheng

      MCheng Experienced Member

      Feb 1, 2015
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      7th :3
    14. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Explosion doesn't get that good until X :P
    15. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Really detailed. Nice guide!
    16. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
      Likes Received:
      A sticky is deserved.
    17. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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    18. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      I wasn't expecting one, it's simply that there's so much questions on OP Prison that I would rather just type this out. Anyways, probably not until I get done.
    19. CherokeeSmiles

      CherokeeSmiles Active Member

      Feb 7, 2015
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      What is power level???
    20. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Power level is something that was removed.
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