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  • New Suggestions For The Server

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ace Auditore Imperial, Apr 2, 2014.


    Do you think These suggestions should be added to the server?

    1. Yes It would make the server more fun and it is fair.

      3 vote(s)
    2. No i dont think this is not fair and would decrease the server popularity.

      1 vote(s)
    3. YES, i am awesome and i totally agree with you!

      2 vote(s)
    1. Ace Auditore Imperial

      Ace Auditore Imperial Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      Server Suggestions Survival Suggestions
      My suggestions for the server is that you add in MCMMO for survival,Also they should make it so you can mine spawners in survival/factions,They should also make it so you can actually PLACE spawners. in survival cause about 10 people i know bought wolf/pig/cow spawners but cant even place them.
      Factions suggestions
      OBSIDIAN BREAKER for factions,Also they should make it so you can mine spawners in survival/factions and the silk spawners plugin.
      Infection Suggestions

      NEW BETTER MAPS FOR Infections
      Lobby Suggestions
      New Servers for the lobby and better kits for sponsors and better perks. More Kits for non donors.
      Prison Suggestions
      /home,/tpa, Commands for prison. And The no SWORDS rule taken down. They also need to make the money needed for prison ranks like C,B,A a little bit cheaper like 10,000$ cheaper or only 5,000$ cheaper. Also they should make it so you can only place saplings in the tree farm near the mine in D prison people keep making houses there. but Also letting guards take signs off from chest shops in plots where people dont own them anymore. Also getting rid of that glass roof on prison. I CANT GET OFF THE ROOF WHEN I DO /srm tp plot23 im trapped in the glass and the glassg just defeats the srm tp command -__-. Also adding more plots to prison since a lot of people reallllllly need plots but cant. And they should make it so on Prison.Survival and factions you keep all the stuff you put in your enderchest and keep all the money you got since a lot of people worked really hard to get that. But to keep it fair you can only keep whats in your ender chests

      KIT PVP Server
      Add more area's to pvp and structures buildings,traps,Hidden chests ETC.
      By more area to pvp i mean more land because if jump out of spawn there is a lot of water which can get annoying when pvping. Maybe even plots for donors which you can build your own tiny fortress and defend from attacking players (sort of like a tower defense) it could help because it would provide more room for donors to put the loot they get inside it or like a donater world where donors can get wood ,food, etc to sell at a donor shop. But if you are not a donor if you buy the commander rank for 500$ (IGM ) you get a 4x4 tiny plot! They should also add in new kits for non-donors and better kits for sponsor/premium/vip.
      If you disagree with the suggestion where people who spent money on the server getting plots(cause you greedy :p) they should add in EnderChest+ (basically makes your normal enderchest into a double enderchest with more room).

      mineverse-resized (1).png -Like and support this Forum Thread or just say what i should add in Below

      (P.S These are the suggestions that were mentioned a bit on my old thread)
      Factions: No obsidian breaker.
      My answer to this: It would help raiding and might increase server popularity
      Prison: The no swords rule taken down people don't go shanking each other with swords.
      My answer: Well why would they allow axes do people In real life kill each other with axes in prisons?
    2. Ace Auditore Imperial

      Ace Auditore Imperial Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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    3. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I like it :)
    4. Ace Auditore Imperial

      Ace Auditore Imperial Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      Thanks Scooper or President Bacon :P

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