When are the Commands for Titan are going to be out? Another thing is that our /enchant does not work on any of the server's. Some other commands we should have for factions is /tnt /firball and ect. We have donated 250 dollars for this great server so we should get a lot better stuff then the gods. Another thing is that none of our kits work. You may still be working on it but I would really like it to be done fast. Thankyou-UncleUrnesto
Uncle your acting like a 5 year old in a candy store with 20$. Calm down this rank wasn't as much for the commands and stuff you get but the ability to show your support for Mineverse. The /enchant is only for survival and /tnt wont be fair for other players maybe with a 2 min cool down it would. Lastly did you steal your mums credit card again to buy the rank thats what you did last time.
@Conor Walton just be patient. You should have looked at what titans get for donating before you did.
Titan is in a public beta status at the moment. Bugs will occur, but you signed up for it. When this is all finished, oh my. It will be reeling in the donors.
Please use support@mineverse.com if you're having troubles with donating or didn't receive rank. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to support@mineverse.com
Everyone needs to remember a very important rule about donating for ranks on the server. You're donating. Giving us money is an act of support for our server. In return we give you a few extra perms to make your stay more comfortable as a thank you for the donation. While we are working hard to ensure Titans are properly thanked we need to ensure that all of these permissions are balanced so that no one is buying a rank more powerful than our staff team, but so that you are being properly thanked for your generosity towards us. This takes time and consideration, sometimes with us making changes and alterations after you've already purchased the rank. Once it is finalized, you will know everything. Thank you for your patience.