***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I thought the same but then I understood. This titan guy he was making a deal with is the guy who he is reporting. So STEF was making a deal with that titan guy for some protection 4 and depth strider armour for MVP rank on his alt. You might think that Legion_Hossing is the scammer but no he was making deal with Legion_Hossin and that titan guy in the same time. At the end he tells him to wait 5 more minutes to get the rank MVP on his alt but it looks like he hasn't recieved it. I would ask STEF to give him own explanation on this report because I may be wrong.
I gave him stuff which are not in the screenshots and he did not upgrade my alt to Mvp. my alt is Sponsor
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************This is bannable, and it's been more than a few days. The rank would've come through by now.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.