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  • [Report] [DaddyHF] [Prison]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by luckydolphins1, Mar 31, 2014.

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    1. luckydolphins1

      luckydolphins1 Active Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Just before I start, I would just like to tell you guys that I barely report and if I do ever report it is a serious report so joking matter will not be accepted here, thanks.

      Your ingame name:

      The offender's ingame name:

      A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:
      Publishing Personal and Private Information, Disrespecting, Lying, breaking Rules

      Ok, before I would like to start I had nothing wrong with this Guard until he was just utterly being rude and disrespectful to my colleagues on the forums and games. I think this should have a punishment and this is just getting out of hand how many reports he has had. I will explain in each picture what happened to the point and truthfully. 2014-03-30_19.37.35.png 2014-03-30_19.44.56.png 2014-03-31_22.01.34.png 2014-03-31_22.01.53.png 2014-03-30_22.17.49.png 2014-03-31_22.04.33.png
      Ok, as you see from these pictures, I will explain in flu detail for each one going by # as where they stand.

      #1). I recently just joined the Prison server and I read the rules right away from the start. I see that there are no use of swords besides wooden ones, and if you see, report them to staff. I saw someone using a diamond sword and I reported them like it said in game, and I got that hateful and rude message from the Guard.

      #2). Once again, I was roaming around in warp plots and I saw a person using a diamond sword so I hath reported him and this time, I got even a more hateful message from last time by muting me, I thought I was supposed to help the seder and report rule breakers, not get muted for reporting them.

      #3 & #4). So these fall along in the same conversation as I think he had run some sort of ( I don't know what it is called but I am certain that he found my Skype, what I bought on Paypal, everything and this is breaking my privacy. I go on the server to have fun, not have some staff stock me to death, and say my secret identity out loud in the chat. If i wanted for something like that, I would just write on everything that I want to be stocked and hacked, so please do so. You think this is how players should be treated, especially I am a TITAN.

      #5). This is again, where he shows my identity and spreads it out to everyone. I firstly did not give him my SKYPE, and secondly I didm not give him authority to go around spreading my information like that. This is going against my rights that I was born with and this is very reportable.

      #6). I did not get the full screen shot but this Guard was being very mean to a player and I said, "I am sick of how you act." and blatantly, he responded saying that. Come on bro, manners.

      Ok after this, I went to go look at his mod app and I hath found this lying from his mod app. It say's in the, "Why do you Think you should become mod" section right away. His first point is maturity and he is lying straight through his teeth. From all these reports he has not once been "Polite" and not once have I seen him "Help." From this, you see that he has and was lying in his Mod application, and yet no one has noticed this yet. Also let us pull up some more points that he was lying about,
      This is what he hath said in his mod app, and not once has he fulfilled this goal. First off, he dislikes and likes players and as a staff member of a growing and well-Known server this should not be an issue here. Everyone should be treated the same and ESPECIALLY FROM STAFF MEMBERS. How can I not stress this enough but the server will jus those more and more players daily from staff like this.

      As you can see, I barely report anybody and when I do I have enough evidence and I think my job is done, now its time for the admins to decide.

      -Have A Good Day
      Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
    2. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Ok 1st picture you were insulting me and retaliated with a comment basically saying what you said twisted it.
      2nd I muted you for spamming the spam message repeatedly.
      3rd, I said "Perry" I do not know your Skype nor even know the name of it. I was calling out someone I know to get there attention I have no access to your "PayPal" or Skype at all. I only said that to refer to someone else I do not know you but seen threads you have posted that's all I never seen once where you stated your name was "Perrry" as that is personal information and can not be said in Chat as it's not allowed.
      Also being Titan doesn't let you do whatever you want just a FYI.
      5th That doesn't show me saying anything nor would I when a Admin is on that blatantly retarded for me to do so. So please take out the white mark on the Picture as it doesn't show what I am saying because for all I know you are covering it up to make it look I am.
      6th See, I get disrespected all the time and stay as polite as can be but if you can't simply read the rules nor understand what I am saying then don't fight with me about it or I simply comment back. "but I try to be as a nice as possible but not give them a disadvantage if I did dislike the Player/User." That's simply me doing what I am doing I don't get how I am doing that wrong I am not giving you a disadvantage.
    3. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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    4. MC_surviver

      MC_surviver Experienced Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Hi daddy
    5. MC_surviver

      MC_surviver Experienced Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      im your favourite
    6. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      lol A little bit offtopic I would suggest not saying anything unless it goes with this :).
    7. luckydolphins1

      luckydolphins1 Active Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Ok, pls stop lying through this whole thing and I am not uncovering it because that has my Skype name. I do not want to give it out like you have been doing do forever. I do not report and spend 30 min to waste my time to get denied, I report with hard sonte face and I CAN ASSURE YOU, I AM NOT LYING.
      May I just ask for your proof of everything because I cannot believe your story for anything unless you have FULL PROOF. I will resist and argue back now.

      #1). I said this guy had a sword and you said that to me, how is that insulting??
      #2). I said it 4 Times because you weren't doing anything.
      #3). Stop lying blatantly through your teeth. You know exactly that I upgraded to 8GB of ram 2 weeks ago, you know everything, you use some virus to find everything out, so STOP LYING NOW B4 I take things to my own hands as this is a federal Crime.
      Also, I know I don't get whatever I want since I am TITAN but Neither do you and you think you run the server, grow up.
      #5). The admin told you no because that admin is my CLOSE friend and you are saying that in front of everyone. I asked him to tell you to stop because you are to immature to listen to anyone else. Also, show me your proof then I will believe it.
      #6). You were the meanest person there, I said I am sick with your manners and you respond saying that. Why in the world would I want to play if I get treated like that by staff. Tell me WHY.
      • Like Like x 1
    8. MC_surviver

      MC_surviver Experienced Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      :( daddy
    9. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Lying? I am not lying at all. If anything I remove virus's I don't do Virus's lol. I did back in 09 and 2010 but that was 4 to 5 years ago. Now I don't got your Skype name at all. Nor do I got you added. Now uncover the pics and show me what I said because it does seem like you are lying as you are showing them so please do so.

      Reply's to your Numbers:
      1: If you scrolled up on the Screenshot you can see how you were obnoxiously rude to me.
      2: You said it 4 or more times and that's spamming so I muted you. Simple.
      3: Yea I knew because well hello it's called the internet and you said it on a Forum saying you did that's how I knew lol. Also I would love to have you put it in your hands and do the Federal Crime that I am supposedly doing.
    10. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      Do you have any evidence to back this up Daddy?
    11. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Evidence of what?
    12. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      Your claims.
      I can see full evidence of what he claimed you did.

      Words doesn't mean it's true.

      You need to post screenshots of him spamming and doing everything as to what you said he did.
    13. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      I didn't have to take screenshots of spam it's not needed.
    14. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      It's very needed?
      How are you going to back up your claims?

      Do you take any screenshots of your bans, or have any valid evidence?
    15. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      I take pictures of my bans but I don't take pictures of mutes/kicks/jails that isn't needed at all. I said what I said I saw him spam simple as that. I can pull logs that every mine craft launcher gives but I know what will be said If I do so, So me doing that would be pointless.
    16. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      So your saying, you are not going to give me evidence of anything he has done.

      And take a direct hit of you calling him out?
    17. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      I am calling him out because I am not lying alright. I don't think I would have got mod if I was a Liar. If that is what you are trying point out? But he did SAY It himself on the thread if you read it that he did spam it 4 times " I said it 4 Times because you weren't doing anything."
      Oh and here's your "proof" http://gyazo.com/1c6058b0f39b8973bee25b8f474ca727
    18. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

    19. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      If you can't read the rules well you must be. It's right there in front of them and if they obviously can't read then maybe they should leave. I was being rude I admit that and apologies for doing so. I acted in a such a matter that I shouldn't have. And please don't say what I am typing a load of "Bull" That's a bit rude wouldn't you say [​IMG]

      I am done for the night as I need rest, So have a Good night/day.
    20. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

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